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  · 口语测试:"摇钱树"怎么说?
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灵异故事:One Night(一天夜里) 05
时间:2009-3-14 12:18:10  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第 1 页:英语原文
第 2 页:中文翻译

"Do you see what I see?" I asked her after she'd looked for a good 15-20 seconds. "Do you mean that figure standing in front of the kitchen and hallway door?" She replied sitting up a little more. "Do you think it's just the way the street light is reflecting off the patio door?" I asked. "No. It's moving towards us, quick, turn on the light!" I reached over to turn on the light, and as I did, I got very cold very suddenly, and then it was gone. I was able to turn on the light after several seconds. The cold had frozen me to the bone. "Dude, did you feel that Erin?" Cynthia then asked me after I had successfully turned on the lamp. "Yeah, you did too huh?" "Yeah. I did." Since thankfully it was summer, we took some blankets and some pillows for cushioning out onto the patio and sat out there discussing the experience we'd just had until her dad came home. We've never discussed what happened with anyone else. Not even her dad. We just stayed out there and slept on the patio that night. A week later, her dad said he came home and found all the windows (there were only two or three) in the apartment wide open. So he moved into another apartment in the complex. Nothing ever happened to us again, and we never again, played with another Ouija board again. At least she didn't.

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