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灵异故事:One Night(一天夜里) 01
时间:2009-3-10 15:31:30  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第 1 页:英语原文
第 2 页:中文翻译

My friend Cynthia and I spent just about every weekend together. Her parents were divorced and she spent just about every weekend at her Dad's house. He lived in a fairly large apartment complex out in the Spokane Valley, and there weren't many other kids our age in the complex, so we mostly just hung around the apartment and watched movies or sat outside on the patio. On some occasions we'd go downtown and hang out with some friends from school. Up until this one night, we never got any creepy feelings or felt that maybe someone was watching us. We never even had any sort of strange experiences. In 8th grade she and I decided to dabble a little in the Wiccan arts. At first it was just for fun, then we got a little more into it.
  One night we decided to make our own Ouija board just for fun. Her dad had gone out for the night and we were a little bored, so we started going through one of the Wiccan books that a friend of ours had borrowed from her sister. In one of the chapters we saw how to make an Ouija board from just an ordinary cardboard box. Being 14 years old, and bored, we decided to go for it.

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