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灵异故事:住在Jackman Tail上的东西 03
时间:2009-3-2 10:27:14  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第 1 页:英语原文
第 2 页:中文翻译

Something Lives At Jackman Trail 03
  Its face was long and thin, completely inhuman and looked like no animal I’ve ever seen. It had two small humps on its back that could have been shoulder blade bones but I’m really not sure. Its skin looked rough and dark. As I saw it the first thing I thought was that it looked like a gargoyle only much thinner and shorter.

  I’ll never forget what happened next. The lights in this old car were pretty dim so we had to get pretty close before we could see it completely. At about 15 feet from the creature, the car lights fell upon it fully.

  Its eyes reflected like a cat or dog’s eyes would only instead of the typical dull yellow color, it reflected a bright multi-hued yellow. The thing let out a scream, that was more akin to a menacing, throaty hiss, directed at the car. It then leapt from the left side of the road to the tops of the trees on the right side from 25 to 30 feet high.

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