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灵异故事:住在Jackman Tail上的东西 02
时间:2009-3-1 12:22:54  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第 1 页:英语原文
第 2 页:中文翻译

Something Lives At Jackman Trail 02
  On this particular night, we had exhausted all other means of entertainment. There was literally nothing left to do. So at about 12:30 AM we decided to head to Jackman Trail and see if there was a party happening. The ride there was eventless enough, just dirt and trees and four friends goofing off. When we got there, there was no party just a few stragglers hanging out and drinking.
  We didn’t stay long and after about ten minutes we decided to try and find something else to do. So we all piled back into Marc’s car and headed out. Marc was driving, I was in the front passenger-side seat and Eric and Forest were in the back seat. Marc and I were just watching the road ahead of us and Eric and Forest were in the back seat goofing off and roughhousing. As we reached the area on the dirt road where the trees closed in around us I saw something just outside the glow of our high beams.

  It looked like something small and hunched down on the left side of the road. As the headlights finally fell upon the thing I saw it fully. It was short, appearing to be only about three or four feet tall, and thin with unnaturally long arms.

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