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  · 口语测试:"摇钱树"怎么说?
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时间:2009-2-24 16:23:10  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第 1 页:英语原文
第 2 页:中文翻译

October '05, it was half term, and I was looking forward to a good rest after a tough first half of term. Since my grandfather was in hospital (down in South Wales) me, and my Mum and Dad went to visit. We arrived at my grandparent's house at about 8 O'clock in the evening, dropped off our stuff, and then went straight to the hospital. My granddad was in a really bad way, he couldn't talk, so we didn't stay long, we just took my Nan home (who'd been with him all day) while Dad stayed overnight.
  This was the first time I noticed something abnormal; when I walked into the house, I could smell smoke, not wood smoke, cigarette smoke. My Granddad DID smoke, but not in the house, Na always made him go outside. Well, I thought nothing of it, I went into the kitchen and the smell vanished. But the moment I stopped moving, it was there again, not just a whiff of it, but thick, choking. I had to go outside to get some fresh air. When I went back in, I could smell nothing, it was back to normal. Since I sometimes imagine things, I let it go.

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