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灵异故事:公路的怒气(Road Rage 01)
时间:2009-2-16 11:57:34  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第 1 页:英语原文
第 2 页:中文翻译

I married recently and moved to the Pittsburgh area to be closer to work. I hate driving and traffic and the like, so it was welcome change to live closer. I'm a self-professed aggressive driver. At least, I used to be.

  The road on which I travel to go to work would immediately bring to mind haunting imagery; a dark, twisting road in the thick of a well-forested area. So it came as no surprise to me when I learned from one of the locals of a legend circulating about that road.

  It came to be that I was heading into work early (as I often do, as Pittsburgh traffic is crazy). It was dark out yet, cloudy, no moon, and extremely quiet. I'd had a strange feeling since I'd woken up that morning...like the feeling you get right after you've seen a great horror movie; you know it's fiction...but you still avoid mirrors for a while just in case there really IS something there.

  I headed out and arrived at the road in short order. This road is a two-lane one-way road, so there is no oncoming traffic for the stretch of it. Since it was early, I decided to keep towards the center of the road. Deer abound in this part of town, and I had no desire to hit one.

  It was really dark and some fog had gathered. I put on my high beams so I could see a little better. I heard a car somewhere behind me, but couldn't follow it because of the bends and the trees.

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