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灵异故事:夜班(Night Shift 01)
时间:2009-2-11 11:21:49  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第 1 页:英语原文
第 2 页:中文翻译

All this started when I was working as a night guard. My first two years as a guard I was working at the control center as an operator where the entire emergency calls and electronic alarms are received. But you get pretty tired of that kind of work pretty fast, and I don't really like to work inside an office. I would rather be out there in the real world where the action is. I love to work night shifts, I don't know why but you could call me a "night person". So when the opportunity came for a transfer I took it.

  I started to work as a patrolling guard on a Monday night. The area that I was supposed to guard included six business districts, five residential districts, three industrial areas and two cemeteries. At some of the places that I was suppose to guard I had to go inside and use this little device that documents the time I was inside, so the owner of that building or house and specially the company that I work for can see that I’m really doing my job.

  I have never had any problem with graveyard or anything like that before and I'm not afraid of the dark. If you're afraid of the dark, night guard is NOT the job for you.

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