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  · 口语测试:"摇钱树"怎么说?
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灵异故事:217房事件(Incident in Room 217-02)
时间:2009-1-10 10:29:34  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第 1 页:英语原文
第 2 页:中文翻译

The man himself seemed to be watching me apprehensively, waiting to see what I would do. He was solid enough, wearing dark clothing, and in the odd lighting he appeared very pale. I had a stranger in my room and I was scared. Without thinking I rolled over to my right and hit the light, when I looked behind me nothing was there. I was relieved and turned the light out thinking it was a dream. However the second my head hit the pillow my eyes were wide open and I immediately sat back up and turned the light back on. Because in one brief moment my brain came up with this question: “If it was a dream how come he and the rest of the room was out of focus?” It was true, I'm severely nearsighted with and astigmatism to boot. I can't see more then eight inches past my face clearly, yet when I dream everything is as good as 20/20. When I had woken up the ceiling, walls, the stranger was all blurry! I didn't have my glasses on; I wasn't asleep so I couldn't see him clearly. He was wearing dark clothes yet I couldn't tell if it was a jacket or shirt. He was pale and that was my best description because quite frankly I couldn't tell if he was bald or just fair headed. And his eyes were just two fuzzy black blobs in his face. I was freaked, but interestingly enough I calmed down within 20 minutes, mainly because I realized that I sensed that whoever that was didn't mean any harm, in fact there was an odd feeling that he was sorry.

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