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灵异故事:神秘的咖啡杯 05
时间:2008-12-20 12:16:23  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

The Coffee Cup 05

I said nothing as I walked up. I just kept my eyes on the silhouette of the head and shoulders. As I neared the person, I could make out that it was a man facing me and that he was wearing what looked like old fashioned clothing of the 1920’s or 1910’s. He did not move, but as I got nearer to him, I heard a rather faint voice coming from that table ask me “How much do I owe you?”
  That not only caught me off guard, there was something about the voice that sent a chill right through me. I stopped and literally shuddered from the jolt that sudden question had given me. Even though my heart was racing and I felt unnerved, I managed to recover after a moment and I asked him if he was a guest at the hotel, and if so, how had he gotten into the dining room.

神秘的咖啡杯 05

向他走去时我什么也没说, 我只紧紧地盯着他的头和肩膀的侧影.当我走近那个人时,我才看清楚出这个人是面朝着我的,穿着看上去你20世纪10,20年代的过时的衣服.他没有动,但当我走近他时,我听到从他那传来一声非常微弱的声音:”我欠你多少钱?”






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