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诗歌:A celebration of the uniqueness of YOU! 你的庆祝日
时间:2008-2-21 0:01:49  来源:本站原创  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 


Welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I’m Faith. Today, let’s celebrate the uniqueness of YOU.

You have been created as a completely unique individual. While your thoughts and ideas may be similar to those of other human beings, no one possesses exactly the same combination of gifts and dreams and hopes and ambitions that you carry within you. You are a marvelous, miraculous combination of potential and character, personality and ability.

When you look at other people and all that they've accomplished and all that they have, there's no need to compare yourself with them. Quite simply put, their lives are different. They are where they are, and you are where you are. Your goal as a unique individual should not be to have and do the things that other people do, but to find your own path, your own way of being, your own way to accomplish your goals and reach your own dreams.

Remember always that there are people who would have you believe that you would be better off rejecting your uniqueness and acting just like everyone else. There are people who would like to see you have the same wants as everyone else. You are not here, though, to conform to what others want you to be--you are here to be yourself, to share your unique and special gifts with the people who are a part of your life. Do not distress yourself with imaginings of "what you should be" or "where you should be" or "what you should be accomplishing." Instead, look at your life and look for the opportunities that are there for you to share your gifts and your unique perspective on life with others.

You’re listening to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I’m Faith. The last words to end today’s program: Be you-always be you.



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