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诗歌:Start Over 重新开始
时间:2008-2-20 23:58:52  来源:本站原创  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 


Hi, welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to relax. I’m Faith.

One of my students asked me awhile ago what I was really good at. Half kidding, I responded, "Starting over!"

The reason I was only HALF kidding is because I am very familiar with starting over. I've started over in business. I've started over financially and in my career.

And unless you live a spectacularly blissful life, at some point--usually many points--in your life, you'll need to start over, too.

We all do--in big things and in small.

A project gets delayed or terminated. We get laid off, downsized, right-sized or repurposed. We go off our diet or our exercise program. Hurricanes, tornadoes, cancer, the flu--all sorts of catastrophes and inconveniences can thwart or stop our forward progress--sometimes sending us all the way back to the starting line.

But you can't let it stop you. To be successful you must become and remain resilient.

Hardly anything goes the way we hope or plan that it will. I'm being realistic. Setbacks, roadblocks and disappointments are just part of the natural ebb and flow of life.

Every day is a new day. And it's a good thing because it's another opportunity to start over again every day. It matters little what's happened. But it matters a LOT what we do not.



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