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美国小学英语教材5:第270课 沙漠男孩——阿卜杜勒. 阿齐兹(13)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Sure now that something was wrong, the boy sprang to his father's bed, for Sadoc was still sleeping soundly, and called him.
  • 现在肯定是出了什么事,孩子跳上父亲的床,叫他过来,因为撒多克还在熟睡。
  • "Father, father, wake up!" he cried.
  • “爸爸,爸爸,醒醒!”他哭喊道。
  • "Someone is trying to steal the oil!"
  • “有人想偷油!”
  • Sadoc leaped to his feet, seized a heavy stick, and made for the door of the house with the boy at his heels.
  • 撒多克一跃而起,抓起一根沉重的棍子,朝房子的门口走去,男孩跟在他的身后。
  • He opened it cautiously and peered out.
  • 他小心翼翼地打开门朝外看。
  • He could see little, but the sound he made had frightened the robbers, and he heard them running off up the street.
  • 他什么也看不见,但他发出的声音吓着了强盗们,他听见他们沿街逃跑。
  • Sadoc ran after them.
  • Sadoc追着他们。
  • In the distance the boy heard the sound of wheels and knew that the robbers were making off in the cart they had brought to carry away the oil.
  • 远处,男孩听到了车轮的声音,知道强盗们正坐着他们带来的运油的马车逃跑。
  • After a while Sadoc came back.
  • 过了一会儿,撒多克回来了。
  • "They got away," he said, "but I think I know who they are, and I shall bring them to justice."
  • “他们逃掉了,”他说,“但我想我知道他们是谁,我要把他们绳之以法。”
  • Then, very quietly, he took out ten francs and gave them to Abdul Aziz.
  • 然后,他悄悄地掏出十法郎,交给阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹。
  • It was more money than the boy had ever had of his own in his life before, and he looked at it in a daze as he heard his father saying solemnly:
  • 这是孩子有生以来拿到的最多的一笔钱,他茫然地望着,只听见父亲一本正经地说:
  • "Abdul Aziz, by your quick-wittedness you have saved me five thousand francs.
  • “阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹,凭你的机智,你为我省下了五千法郎。
  • Take this, and spend it as you like.
  • 拿着这个,想怎么花就怎么花。
  • You are a son of whom I am proud."
  • 你是我引以为傲的儿子。”


Sure now that something was wrong, the boy sprang to his fathers bed, for Sadoc was still sleeping soundly, and called him.

Father, father, wake up!” he cried. “Someone is trying to steal the oil!”
Sadoc leaped to his feet, seized a heavy stick, and made for the door of the house with the boy at his heels. He opened it cautiously and peered out. He could see little, but the sound he made had frightened the robbers, and he heard them running off up the street. Sadoc ran after them. In the distance the boy heard the sound of wheels and knew that the robbers were making off in the cart they had brought to carry away the oil.


After a while Sadoc came back.

They got away,” he said, “but I think I know who they are, and I shall bring them to justice.”
Then, very quietly, he took out ten francs and gave them to Abdul Aziz. It was more money than the boy had ever had of his own in his life before, and he looked at it in a daze as he heard his father saying solemnly:
Abdul Aziz, by your quick-wittedness you have saved me five thousand francs. Take this, and spend it as you like. You are a son of whom I am proud.”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
cart [kɑ:t]


n. 手推车,(二轮)载货车
v. (用手推车

frightened ['fraitnd]


adj. 受惊的,受恐吓的

stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<





