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- All this was just the polite way to begin a conversation—
- 这一切只是开始谈话的礼貌方式——
- all except the words, "who is a good lad,"
- 除了那几个字,“是个好孩子,”
- which his friends need not say unless they wanted to.
- 这是他的朋友们不需要说的,除非他们想说。
- So Sadoc was pleased.
- 所以撒多克很高兴。
- Nobody ever asked him how Kadijah, his wife, was,
- 从来没有人问过他,他的妻子卡迪亚怎么样,
- for that would have been as impolite as the other was proper.
- 因为那样做既不礼貌,也不恰当。
- The Arabs never speak to each other of their women folks if they can possibly avoid it.
- 阿拉伯人尽量避免和妇女交谈。
- Abdul Aziz, being only a boy, was allowed to go into the neighbors' houses.
- 阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹还是个孩子,他被允许进入邻居家。
- So he knew most of the women.
- 所以他认识大部分的女人。
- Sometimes even, at the season of the olive crop, he worked with them.
- 有时甚至在橄榄收获的季节,他也和他们一起工作。
- For in the village of Hammamet it is the women and the children who harvest the olives in the orchards outside the town.
- 因为在哈马麦特村,妇女和孩子们在城外的果园里收割橄榄。
All this was just the polite way to begin a conversation— all except the words, “who is a good lad,” which his friends need not say unless they wanted to. So Sadoc was pleased. Nobody ever asked him how Kadijah, his wife, was, for that would have been as impolite as the other was proper. The Arabs never speak to each other of their women folks if they can possibly avoid it.
Abdul Aziz, being only a boy, was allowed to go into the neighbors’ houses. So he knew most of the women. Sometimes even, at the season of the olive crop, he worked with them. For in the village of Hammamet it is the women and the children who harvest the olives in the orchards outside the town.
来源:可可英语 //www.utensil-race.com/xiaoxue/201910/597979.shtml
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单词avoid 联想记忆: a朝向,void空-空城计-避开
单词except 联想记忆: ex外.cept拿→除…之外.把除外
单词conversation 联想记忆: con共同+vers转→[两个齿轮对着]一起转→谈话+ation→谈话