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美国小学英语教材5:第261课 沙漠男孩——阿卜杜勒. 阿齐兹(4)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • He thought of everything under the sun,
  • 他想到了天底下的一切,
  • but most often, perhaps, he thought of what his friend the artist had said to him.
  • 但最常想到的,也许是他的艺术家朋友对他说过的话。
  • The artist himself had stayed only a few months and then gone elsewhere,
  • 艺术家本人只呆了几个月就去了别的地方,
  • but what he had told the boy of the greatness of the Arabs remained.
  • 但他告诉孩子的阿拉伯人的伟大仍然存在。
  • Other things which his father, Sadoc, said fitted in with the picture, too.
  • 他的父亲撒多克说的其他事情也与这幅画相吻合。
  • And he made fine dreams about what he would do, when he grew up, to help his people.
  • 他做了很好的梦,关于他长大后要做什么,来帮助他的人民。
  • In the meanwhile he managed to get on in school without too many thumpings from the master's ruler,
  • 与此同时,他设法在学校里混得很好,没有受到校长太多的重击。
  • and Sadoc was proud of him, though of course he never admitted as much to the boy.
  • 萨达克为他感到骄傲,尽管他当然从来没有像现在这样对孩子表达过。
  • When the father met one of his friends, the conversation was apt to go like this:
  • 当父亲遇见他的一个朋友时,他的谈话是这样的:
  • "Good evening, Sadoc."
  • “晚上好,撒多克。”
  • "Good evening, Achmed."
  • “晚上好,艾哈迈德。”
  • "May Allah protect you."
  • “愿真主保佑你。”
  • "May he grant you long life."
  • “愿上帝保佑你长命百岁。”
  • "May your goods increase."
  • “祝你好运增加。”
  • "May your day be blessed."
  • “愿你的日子受到祝福。”
  • "May Allah grant you health."
  • “愿安拉保佑你健康。”
  • "May he give you salvation."
  • “愿他拯救你。”
  • "May you lack for nothing."
  • “愿你什么都不缺。”
  • "How is your son, who is a good lad?"
  • “你的儿子好吗?他是个好孩子。”
  • "Praise to Allah, he kisses your hand."
  • “赞美安拉,他亲吻你的手。”


He thought of everything under the sun, but most often, perhaps, he thought of what his friend the artist had said to him. The artist himself had stayed only a few months and then gone elsewhere, but what he had told the boy of the greatness of the Arabs remained. Other things which his father, Sadoc, said fitted in with the picture, too. And he made fine dreams about what he would do, when he grew up, to help his people.



In the meanwhile he managed to get on in school without too many thumpings from the masters ruler, and Sadoc was proud of him, though of course he never admitted as much to the boy. When the father met one of his friends, the conversation was apt to go like this:

Good evening, Sadoc.”
Good evening, Achmed.”
May Allah protect you.”
May he grant you long life.”
May your goods increase.”
May your day be blessed.”
May Allah grant you health.”
May he give you salvation.”
May you lack for nothing.”
How is your son, who is a good lad?”
Praise to Allah, he kisses your hand.”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
protect [prə'tekt]


vt. 保护,投保

grant [grɑ:nt]


n. 授予物,补助金; 同意,给予
n. 财产

apt [æpt]


adj. 恰当的,聪明的,易于 ... 的

salvation [sæl'veiʃən]


n. 得救,拯救,赎罪

ruler ['ru:lə]


n. 尺子,划线板
n. 统治者,支配者

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话





