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美国小学英语教材5:第157课 内容回顾

来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet



Guillaume the flute player, King Midas and Marygold, August, and Hiawatha—do you see that you have become acquainted with some people you had never met before? You will perhaps find that your father and mother knew them years ago. It is strange how the boys and girls and men and women in stories become so well known. Almost anywhere you might go in our country you would find someone who knew of King Midas and of Hiawatha.
长笛手纪尧姆,迈达斯国王和玛丽戈尔德,奥古斯特,还有希阿瓦塔——你意识到你已经认识了一些你以前从未见过的人吗? 你也许会发现你的父母多年前就认识他们。奇怪的是,故事中的男孩和女孩,男人和女人怎么变得如此出名。几乎在我们国家的任何地方,你都会发现有人知道迈达斯国王和希阿瓦塔。
As you think back over these four stories you have read, which one did you like best? Can you give some good reasons why you liked it best? What happenings in the stories can you see almost as if you had been there? If you had to choose one of these stories to tell, which one would it be? Did any of these stories teach a good lesson? Which one was it, and what was the lesson?
当你回想你读过的这四个故事时,你最喜欢哪一个? 你能给出一些你最喜欢它的理由吗? 故事中发生了什么?你能看到几乎就像你去过那里一样的情景吗? 如果让你从这些故事中选择一个来讲述,你会选哪个? 这些故事能让我们学到什么吗? 是哪一个,学到了什么?
Of course, there are many other stories you ought to read. And you will want to read them because it will be fun to do so. If you liked “The Golden Touch,” there are Hawthorne’s Tanglewood Tales and his Wonder Book. “Hiawatha’s Childhood” is only a small part of the whole poem. The Song of Hiawatha. Did you get time to read any of the other five stories in Miss Crownfield’s book The Feast of Noel? If one of your classmates were ill, and you wanted to take him some stories to read, what four or five would you choose?
当然,还有许多其他的故事你应该读。你会想要阅读它们,因为这样做会很有趣。如果你喜欢《点金术》,这里有霍桑的《坦格伍德故事集》和他的奇幻小说。《海华沙的童年》只是整首诗《海华沙之歌》的一部分。你有时间读克朗菲尔德小姐的书《诺埃尔的盛宴》中的其他五个故事吗? 如果你的一个同学病了,你想带他读一些故事,你会选哪四篇还是哪五篇?
If you have already found the list of other “Stories We All Should Know” on page 432, you have had many happy hours with these books. Wouldn’t you like to tell the class some good story that you have found?


重点单词   查看全部解释    
acquainted [ə'kweintid]


adj. 有知识的,熟悉的,了解的 动词acquaint

flute [flu:t]


n. 长笛 vi. 吹长笛,发出笛声 vt. 制或刻垂直





