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广州小学英语六年级(上)课本 Lesson23:邮局在那里

来源:可可英语 编辑:hoy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Lesson 23.
market lucky Rebecca.
dormitory playground.
1.Practise the conversations in pairs.
1.1 A:Annie,I'm going to post some letters.Where's the post office?
B:It's next to the Full Moon Restaurant.
A:Thank you very much.
1.2 A:We're going to buy some books.Is there a bookshop near here?
B:No.But there's a big one about two kilometres away.You can get there by bus.
A:Which bus?
B:You could take a No.42 or No.50.The bus-stop is along this road on the right.
1.3 A:Can you tell me the way to No.5 Middle School?
B:Yes.It's very near.
A:How do I get there?
B:Walk along this street.Take the second road on the left.It's about 100 metres along on the right.
Sound families
2.Listen to the sentence.
In August forty-four horses walk to the water. is a long sound.
2.2 Listen to the sentence.
In October,I go along to the clock shop for a new clock. is a short sound.
2.3 Listen to the conversation.Circle all the sounds.Then practise in pairs.
A.Mr Shopkeeper,is this a clock shop or a watch shop?
B:It's a clock shop AND a watch shop.
A:Well,I want a long clock.
B:A long clock costs a lot.
A:Then I don't want a long clock.I want this watch.
B:It often stops.
A:Then Mr Shopkeeper,I do NOT want any clocks or watches from this shop.
3.Listen to the conversation and write the places on the map.
1.A:Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the post office?
B:Yes.Can you see the next street?Garden Street?OK.Turn left there.Walk along the street.
There's a post office on the right.It's next to a small fruit shop.
A:I turn left.I go along and the post office is on the right,next to a fruit shop.Ok?Thanks.
2.A:Excuse me.I need to buy some sports shoes.Is there a sports shop near here?
B:Yes,I think so.Er...Yes.Walk along this street and take the first road on the right.
That's Garden Street.Walk to the next street and turn left.Walk along that street.
There's a sports shop there.It's between a restaurant and a food shop.
A:That's...turn right into Garden Street.Turn left at the next street and the sports shop is between a restaurant and a food shop?Thank you.
4.Ben's cousin Rebecca is visiting Ben for a few weeks.She and Ben are going to meet Wang Xin at No.5 Middle School.
Read Wang Xin's letter and write the names of the places on the map.
Dear Ben and Rebecca,
Come into my school at the big front gate.Dormitory 1 is on the left and the garden is in front of you on the right.
Next to the garden there is another dormitory.But don't go there!Go past the garden.On the left is the library.Go past the playground on the right.
There are three classrooms,two on the left and one on the right.Turn right.Walk along past the classroom.
The builing next to the classroom is the teachers'room.Go past the teachers'room.There are three trees near the there.
The third tree is between the toilet and the playground.I'm going to sit under that tree.See you there at about four o'clock.Don't be late!
Wang Xin.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
circle ['sə:kl]


n. 圈子,圆周,循环
v. 环绕,盘旋,包围

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

dormitory ['dɔ:mitri]


n. 集体宿舍





