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广州小学英语六年级(上)课本 Lesson17:你的生日是几时

来源:可可英语 编辑:hoy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Lesson 17
1.Mrs Harris is talking to Mrs Jacob,Ben's teacher.Circle the dates you hear.
Mrs Harris:There are three family birthdays this month.Harry,that's my husband,and both Ben and Janet have birthdays in October.
Mrs Jacob:Really?Not all on the same day,I hope!
Mrs Harris:No!Ben's birthday is on the nineteenth and Janet's is on the twenty-fifty.
Mrs Jacob:And your husband's?
Mrs Harris:Harry's is on the twenty-third.
Mrs Jacob:And do you always have three parties?
Mrs Harris:Oh no!We never have a party for Harry.And the children usually have their party on the same day-usually on the Sunday between their birthdays.
Mrs Jacob:So,there's only one party in October?
Mrs Harris:Well,usually there's only one party.But Harry's father is visiting us.
His birthday is on 5th October.He wants to have a party,too.
Mrs Jacob:So there are two parties this month.
2.Ask the people in your group about their birthdays.
A:Hello.When's your birthday?
B:It's in January.
A:When in January is it?
B:It's on the fourth.
A:What day is that this year?
B:It's a...




