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广州小学四年级(上)(学生用书) Unit1:衬衫和牛仔裤

来源:可可英语 编辑:hoy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Module 1 Chothes.
Unit 1 Blouses and Jeans.
clothes shop assistant shop assistant.
morning can help I'd like=I would like.
buy blouse how much ninety.
yuan I'll take it. pair a pair of.
jeans shoe trousers shirt.
shorts twenty nineteen thirty.
eighteen forty seventeen.
fifty sixteen sixty.
seventy eighty ninety hundred.
dress sweater T-shirt jacket.
skirt coat sock.
sport sport shoe.
1 look,listen and then act out these dialogues in pairs.
A)Good morning.Can I help you?
Yes,please.I'd like to buy that blouse.How much is it?
It's ninety yuan.
OK.I'll take it.
A)Good morning.Can I help you?
Yes,please.I'd like to buy that blouse.
How much is it?
It's ninety yuan.
OK.I'll take it.
B)Godd morning.Can I help you?
Yes,please.I'd like to buy that pair of jeans.How much are they?
They're forty-nine yuan.
OK.I'll take them.
B)Godd morning.Can I help you?
Yes,please.I'd like to buy that pair of jeans.
How much are they?
They're forty-nine yuan.
OK.I'll take them.
Work with language
2 Listen to the dialogues and fill in the prices.
Then copy the following sentences.
A How much is the shirt?
It's ( ) yuan.
B How much is the dress?
It's ( ) yuan.
C How much is the sweater?
It's ( ) yuan.
D How much is the T-shirt?
It's ( ) yuan.
E How much is the jacket?
It's ( ) yuan.
F How much is the skirt?
It's ( ) yuan.
G How much is the coat?
It's ( ) yuan.
H How much is the jeans?
They're ( ) yuan.
I How much is the short?
They're ( ) yuan.
J How much is the trousers?
They're ( ) yuan.
K How much is the socks?
They're( ) yuan.
L How much is the sport shoes?
They're( ) yuan.Fun with Language
1 listen and colour the clothes.
1.look at picture a.
2.look at picture b.
3.look at picture c.
4.look at picture d.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
blouse [blauz]


n. 女衬衫

trousers ['trauzəz]


n. 裤子

sock [sɔk]


n. 短袜
vt. 给 ... 穿短袜 <





