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小学英语300句 Unit21

时间:2012-07-11 16:30:22 来源:可可英语 编辑:alex  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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评论  打印 字号: | |  
201 How many lessons do you have today?
202 How much homework do you have today?
203 You are lucky.
204 What can I do for you?
205 I want to buy some flour.
206 Here is some money.
207 Go and fetch some chalk.
208 No! there isn't any either.
209 clean them.

210 We can walk there.

a: How many lessons do you have today?
How much homework do you have today?
Very little.
You are lucky.
b: What can I do for you?
I want to buy some flour.
How much flour?
One tin.
Here it is.
Here is the money.
Thank you.
c: Kaide,Go and fetch some chalk.
There is no chalk in your office.
Is there any in Mr White's office.
No, there isn't any either.
I'm on duty today.
Bobbie, open your hands.
They are dirty.
Go and watch them!
There is no water.
Clean them with some paper.
I have no paper either.
Here is the paper.
Thank you!
d: May I speak to Kaide?
This is Kaide.
There is football match in pop shool this evening.
Let's go there together.
There is no bus in the evening.
We can walk there.
Ok, let's walk there.

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