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- Good night and sleep tight!
- 晚安,好梦
- Rise and shine, sleepy head!
- 起床啦,瞌睡虫!
- Oh,mother,That annoyed me when I was six. Can you imagine how it feels now?
- 哦,老娘!你这样催我起床的方式,我6岁的时候就受不了了。你能想象现在的感觉吗?
- Just sit up and say thank you.
- 快起身,说谢谢。
- All right. All right.Thank You mother.
- 好吧好吧。谢谢你,母亲大人。

sleep tight
Good night and sleep tight!
Rise and shine, sleepy head!
Oh,mother,That annoyed me when I was six. Can you imagine how it feels now?
Just sit up and say thank you.
All right. All right.Thank You mother.
来源:可可英语 //www.utensil-race.com/word/201511/411769.shtml