LAMPOON = (n.) an artistic work that pokes fun or ridicules; (v.) to poke fun or ridicule
Synonyms:(n.) joke, parody, satire, skit, (v.) ridicule, make fun, satirize
- No matter how good a leader he may be, there will always be comedians lampooning the President of the United states.
- The magazine that Liza is working for always includes a section that lampoons a popular movie.
- The magazine is famed for its merciless political lampoons.
LEVEE = 1. a natural or artificial embankment by a river, to contain flooding; 2. a river landing place
Synonyms:bank, embankment, lakefront, lakeshore, cliff, barrier, wharf, jetty, pier, dock
- After the levee broke, more than 20% of the field was flooded.
- In order to make a natural fish habitat, the Fish and Wildlife Service had to destroy a part of the lake’s levee.
- Marc and Joanne we’re on a sailing trip. For the weekend they docked their sailboat alongside the levee.
- In the morning Marc decided to go for a swim, After his morning swim he cam ashore on the levee.