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生活大爆炸 第三季:第13集 谢尔顿被盗后(下)

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All right we've got a titanium dead bolt And a reinforced jamb controlled by a state of the art electronic access system.

好了 现已安装钛制固定栓锁 和加固门框 由最先进的电子门禁系统控制
What if they cut the power?
There's a 200 watt uninterruptible backup power supply.
What if someone steals my keys?
There are independent voice and fingerprint scanners.
What if someone kidnaps me forces me to record my voice and then cuts off my thumb?
万一我被绑架了 被迫录下声音还被绑匪割下了拇指呢
I'll send them a basket of muffins.
Now inside we've got motion detectors infrared sensors and cameras connected to a server
而在屋内配备了动作监测器,红外传感器和监视器 同时连接
running state of the art facial recognition software.
Where did you get all this stuff?
Eh I got a buddy over at the Department of Defense.
He just gave it to you?
I'm sure he would have if I had asked.
我要是开口 他肯定会给的
Ironically their security isn't all that good.
Raj your car is blocking me... Intruder alert intruder alert.
拉杰 你的车挡住我的...防盗警报 防盗警报
Intruder alert. What the hell?
防盗警报 搞什么鬼
Intruder alert. Sorry let me help you.
防盗警报 抱歉 我来帮你
Wonderful security system
If we're attacked by a school of tuna.
Don't worry the net's going to be electrified.
别担心 这渔网还将通电
You picture her on the floor spasming uncontrollably. Better.
她一旦倒在地上 全身便会不可自主地痉挛 这还差不多
Sheldon's journal.
Security system in place. However sleep continues to elude me.
保安系统已安装到位 但我依然难以入睡
I've seen the underbelly of Pasadena...
This so called city of roses and it haunts me. Ah the injustice.
这座所谓的玫瑰之城 如今阴魂不散 罪恶横行 毫无正义
I lie here awake tormented while out there evil lurks
我被痛苦折磨 辗转反侧 而邪恶四处潜伏在外
probably playing Donkey Kong on my classic Nintendo.
Oh dear. I am the master of my own bladder.
老天 我的膀胱我做主
Leonard and Penny. Leonard and Penny. Leonard and Penny.
莱纳德 佩妮 莱纳德 佩妮 莱纳德 佩妮
Oh my... God Sheldon. What the hell are you doing out there?
天哪 老天 谢尔顿 见鬼的你到底在外面干什么
I heard a noise. It was us. We knocked over a lamp.
我听到有响声 那是我们撞翻了一个台灯
Why would you knock over a lamp?
We were going to have... He doesn't need to know what we were doing Leonard.
我们正要... 没必要告诉他我们在干嘛 莱纳德
No she's right I don't need to know what you were doing. Carry on.
没错 我是没必要知道你们在干嘛 继续吧
What are you doing? Use the door.
你干什么 走门就可以了
Good thinking. Perhaps I'll check the perimeter and make some warm milk.
好主意 或许我该四处查看下再泡点热牛奶
Great you do that.
很好 去吧
Would you like me to bring you some warm milk?
I'm lactose intolerant. And you don't wish to alarm me with any more loud noises.
我有乳糖不耐症 你是不想再弄出更大的声响来吓我
Very thoughtful. Warm milk Penny?
想得真周到 佩妮 要热牛奶吗
No thanks. Fine. Good night to you sir. Miss.
不了 谢谢 好吧 晚安 先生 还有女士
Sorry about that. Ugh what can you do?
真是抱歉 你又无能为力
Here. Intruder alert intruder alert. Intruder alert intruder alert.
过来 防盗警报 防盗警报 防盗警报 防盗警报
Looks like Wolowitz got the net electrified.
Sheldon are you okay?
I I'm fine... Although I'm no longer the master of my own bladder.
我 我没事 只是控制不了自己的膀胱了
My new computer came with windows 7.
Windows 7 is much more user friendly than windows vista.
I don't like that. Don't you think looking for a new city to live in is a bit of an overreaction?
这我可不喜欢 你不觉得搬到新城市去 有点反应过激了吗
Our apartment was broken into. Our security system tried to kill me
我们的公寓被盗 我们的保安系统又差点杀了我
And as a result I'm leaving Pasadena forever.
因此 我决定永久搬离帕萨迪纳
Tell me how that's overreacting.
Come on Sheldon you can't move.
拜托 谢尔顿 你可不能搬
Don't you need to stay in one place so the mother ship can find you when it returns?
你不是该留在原地吗 这样你的母舰返回时候才能找到你
Oh if that were only true.
Unfortunately as I'm earthbound for the foreseeable future
不幸的是 在可预见的将来 我还得呆地球上
I need to find a location that's more hospitable than the mean streets of Pasadena like...
一定得找个比帕萨迪纳更加友好安全的地方 比如
Enid Oklahoma. Low crime rate and high speed internet connectivity...
俄克拉荷马州的伊尼德市 低犯罪率加上高速网络
But no model train shops. Sorry Enid.
但没有火车模型店 抱歉 伊尼德市
Is he quitting his job at the university?
Oh no he's going to telecommute.
不 他准备远程办公
Everybody's really excited about it.
All right. Boone North Carolina.
好了 北卡罗来纳州 布恩市
"Every summer since 1952 Boone has hosted an outdoor amphitheater portrayal
自1952年以前的每年夏天 布恩市都会在露天的原型剧场重演
Of the life and times of its namesake Dan'l Boone."
Sounds like something that would attract the wrong crowd.
Penny you're from Nebraska correct? Born and raised.
佩妮 你来自内布拉斯加 对吗 土生土长
It will take me a few days to get settled.
After I do I will e mail you detailed PDFs containing diagrams and instructions
到时候我会发详细的文档给你 包括图解和操作指南
that will guide you through packing and shipping the rest of my possessions to Bozeman Montana.
指导你打包和装运 我余下的行李到蒙大拿州的波兹曼市
In the meantime please forward my mail.
同时 别忘了转发我的邮件
Any place specific or just the Bozeman Montana loony bin?
具体需要发给谁 还是只需发给蒙大拿州波兹曼市的疯人院
I sense you're making a joke
But Bozeman does have a comedy club called the loony bin so do not forward my mail there.
但波兹曼市确实有家喜剧俱乐部叫疯人院 别转发到那去
Oh come on. So you were the victim of a crime. That's part of life.
拜托 你不幸成了盗窃案失主 这本就是生活的一部分
When my great grandfather first came to this country
he put all his hopes and dreams into this little butcher shop he ran on the lower east side of New York.
You know what happened?
Every customer who walked into that butcher shop and asked for a pound of liver got ripped off.
凡是去光顾他肉铺去买猪肝的人 他都宰客没商量
But... Those people moved on and so should you.
但是 那些人看开了走出来了 你也该这样
I am moving on. I'm going to be a Bozite.
我是走出来了啊 我要搬去波兹曼市
They call themselves "Bozites"?
They should. It's one of the first things I plan to bring up upon arrival.
就该这么叫 这是我到那之后计划的首要任务之一
Sheldon I can't believe I'm saying this But I'm going to miss you.
谢尔顿 我不敢相信我会这么说 但我会想你的
Penny as you know I'm not comfortable with prolonged good byes and maudlin displays of emotion so I prepared a short video.
佩妮 要知道我不喜欢漫长的道别和离情别绪 所以我准备了一个短片
Greetings. As you know I'm not comfortable with prolonged good byes and maudlin displays of emotion
大家好 要知道我不喜欢漫长的道别和离情别绪
so I prepared this short video.
The four of you are three of my closest friends and one treasured acquaintance.
你们四位 有三位是我的好友还有一位也是难得的点头之交
Though I cannot state categorically that my life will be diminished by not having you in it
虽然我无法断言 没有了你们 我的人生将从此失色不少
I am comfortable if you choose to believe that.
但你们要这么想的话 我也没意见
Since you intend to remain in this lawless metropolitan area
statistics suggest that you will succumb to tragic
根据统计数据 在我们再见之前
and gruesome ends before we meet again.
你们就会死于非命 遭遇不测
Live long and prosper.
生生不息 繁荣昌盛(瓦肯人的经典手势)
Sheldon that's so...
谢尔顿 这实在是...
You might want to lock the door behind me. This isn't Bozeman.
我走后你们该及时锁门 这里可不是波兹曼
How the hell do I know who's the friend and who's the acquaintance?
我怎么知道谁是好友 谁又是泛泛之交
That is a bracing cold. An invigorating cold. Lord is it cold!
冷得人心旷神怡 冷得人精神一振 天哪 好冷啊
Help you with your bags sir?
先生 我帮你拿包吧
Thank you fellow Bozite.
谢谢 波兹曼朋友
And may I say you are the living embodiment of all the promises made by our lovely town's chamber of commerce.
Wait! Wait! Excuse me! One ticket to Pasadena California please.
等等我 等等 快给我回来 给我一张去加州帕萨迪纳市的票
Hey look who's back! Interesting.
看看谁回来了 真有趣
The acquaintance is the first to greet me.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
portrayal [pɔ:'treiəl]


n. 描绘,肖像,画像

thoughtful ['θɔ:tful]


adj. 深思的,体贴的

fingerprint ['fiŋgə.print]


n. 指纹,特点 vt. 取 ... 的指纹,鉴别特征

thumb [θʌm]


n. 拇指
v. 翻阅,示意要求搭车

alert [ə'lə:t]


adj. 警觉的,灵敏的
n. 警戒,警报

controlled [kən'trəuld]


adj. 受约束的;克制的;受控制的 v. 控制;指挥;

intolerant [in'tɔlərənt]


adj. 不能容忍的,偏执的

victim ['viktim]


n. 受害者,牺牲

succumb [sə'kʌm]


v. 屈从,死

classic ['klæsik]


n. 古典作品,杰作,第一流艺术家





