Mm, 500 years on the run,I figured maybe he'd be willing to strike a deal.
我逃了500年 我想他也许会愿意跟我做这笔交易
So you got Mason Lockwood to find you the moonstone.
Right again.What else is needed to break the curse?
又猜对了 要解开诅咒 还需要什么
Mmm. Look who's getting smarter.
看啊 真是越来越聪明了
It's not just me or the stone, is it?
不只是需要我或月光石 对吧
Otherwise, there would be no reason to trigger Tyler Lockwood's werewolf curse.
Witches and their spells so many ingredients, so many people to sacrifice.
该死的巫师和他们的咒语 要齐备那么多因素 杀死那么多人献祭
So you need a werewolf.
Believe it or not, they're hard to come by.
信不信随你 狼人可难找呢
What else? A witch to do the spell.
还需要什么 一名巫师来施法
Mine bailed, but Bonnie'll do just fine.
我的巫师跑了 不过邦妮也凑合
What else? Vampire.Caroline.
还需要什么 吸血鬼 卡罗琳
Could have been anyone, I suppose,But I like the poetry of Caroline.
我想 本来随便挑个人就好的 但我喜欢卡罗琳这名字
So you were gonna just hand us all over to be killed?
你打算把我们全都交出去 任人杀掉
Better you die than I.
Here's what I don't get.
Elijah moves around during the day,
Which means the original people knew the secret of the day ring.
这说明吸血鬼祖先 知道避光戒指的秘密
Now, why would Klaus want to lift the curse of the sun and the moon?
那么 克劳斯为什么要解开日月的咒语
To keep the werewolves from lifting it.
If a vampire breaks the sun curse,
Then the werewolves are stuck with the curse of the moon forever,
And vice versa.
But werewolves are all but extinct.
True. I've never seen one, but rumor has it.Not such a rumor.Mystic falls?
是的 我从没见过狼人 但是传说 不仅是传说 神秘瀑布镇有吗