What is this? It's blue. We used a different chemical process,but it is every bit as pure.
这啥玩意儿 怎么是蓝的 我们改了下化学制程 不过纯度还是一样的
May be blue, but it's the bomb. Tight, tight, tight... Yeah.
别看它是蓝的 吸着一样赞 赞赞 太赞了
Blue, yellow, pink...Whatever man.Just keep bringing me that.
什么蓝的 黄的... 管它什么颜色 就要这样的货色
You're all right. We're gonna make a lot of money together. Just remember who you're working for.
你们好好干 大家一起挣大钱 给我记住你们在给谁干活
What did you say? I'm just saying, they gotta know that they're working for you.
你说什么 我就告诉他们该明白他们在替你干活
Like they don't already know that? Are you saying that they're stupid?
你以为他们不明白吗 你是说他们很蠢是吧
No, I'm just saying. Oh yeah, so you're not saying that they're stupid? So, I don't understand.
没有 我就说说而已 所以你不是在说他们蠢 那我就不明白了
Are you saying that I'm stupid? Is that it? Is that what you're doing?
你是在说我蠢吗 是吗 是不是这个意思
Tuco. Why don't we all just... Relax?
屠库 我们大家都... 放松一下
Heisenberg says, "relax." I'm relaxed. I'm relaxed. I'm relaxed...
海森堡说了放松一下 我很放松我很放松 我非常放松
Damn, man!Look at that! Look! Yeah. That's messed up.
该死的 看看这个 看看 真他妈混蛋
Okay, Heisenberg! Next week.
行了 海森堡 下周见
Adjusting for inflation...Good state college,adjusting for inflation, say $45,000 a year.Two kids, four years of college, $360,000.
考虑到通货膨胀 好的州立大学考虑到通货膨胀影响 算它4万5千一年 两个孩子上四年大学那就是36万
Remaing mortgage on the home,107 thousand. Home equity line, 30 thousand.That's 137 thousand.
房贷还有10万7没还 加上房贷利息3万一共是13万7
Cost of living, food, clothing, utilities, say two grand a month, and that should put a dent in it,anyway. 24K a year.
生活费 吃的穿的 水电煤气什么的 算它每月两千 其实还可以少算点的 一年就是2万4
Provide for say,10 years. That's $240,000.Plus 360, plus 1, 3, 7... 737. $737,000.That is what I need. That's what I need.
按十年来算 就是24万加上36万再加13万7 73万7 我一共需要73万7 就是这个数
You and I both clear about 70 grand a week, that's only 10 and a half More weeks.
你跟我每周各净赚7万 那就只要再干10个半礼拜
Call it 11... 11 more drug deals, and always in a public place from now on.
算它11 再干11单买卖 只在公共场所交易
It's do-able.Definitely do-able.
可行的 绝对可行的
Heisenberg! What the hell?What's wrong with him?
海森堡 到底怎么了他怎么回事
What's the matter with you? You can't take an ass-beating,bitch?
你他妈怎么回事 这么不经揍是吧 妈的
Damn, Tuco... Shut up. There's no pulse.Do something.
情况不妙 屠库 闭嘴 脉搏停掉了 干点什么啊
Do something? He needs an ambulance.He needs a hospital.
我能干什么啊 该叫救护车把他送医急救
Do something! You're smart, right? Do that... Do that thing!
干点什么 你不是很聪明的吗 给他做做那个
No, there's... There's nothing.
没有 没什么用
Breathe into his mouth... No, they don't teach that anymore. It doesn't work. You, come here! Breathe into his mouth!
给他人工呼吸 早就不推荐用这招了 没有用的 你过来 给他做人工呼吸
No. Get rid of him. We can't do him like that, man. Buzzards and rats and all that.
别动 把他处理掉 老大 我们不能这么对他 不能像处理掉个秃鹰或老鼠什么的
Man,I'm just saying, you know? It's not very Christian.
我是说我们可是基督教徒 不能这么干的
It sounds like arguing. Gonzo, hurry up!
你这是在违抗命令吗 怪诞 快点
What's the big hurry? I just think we're done here. Well...you're done.
这么急着走干嘛 我只是以为这儿没我们什么事了 好吧 你们完事儿了
Hey, I'm back here! Hello? Walt...Didn't you hear me? Walt... Walt...
我在后边呢 有人吗 沃尔特听到我讲话了吗 沃尔特 沃尔特
Hey, yourself. What, you can't answer when I'm calling you? Are you okay? Great.
淡定 我叫你的时候你不能答应一声吗 你还好吧 很好
New hat? I got some grilled chicken at Albertson's.
新帽子 我在艾伯森食品店买了点烤鸡
You want me to heat some up for you? Where've you been?
要帮你热一下吗 你去哪了
Do you know what,I've got all this crap on my face. Let me clean up first, okay?
你看看我脸上还涂着这玩意儿 让我先洗掉吧 好吗
You know, Walter Junior's gonna be home any minute, so... Ok just...enough.
小沃尔特随时会回来所以 好吧 好 够了
Hold up. Stop it. Stop it.
等一下 停下 停下
I know you're scared, and you're angry,and you're frustrated.And I know none of this is fair. But you cannot take it out on me.
我知道你心里害怕 你愤怒又沮丧我也知道老天对你不公 但你不能拿我出气
Hey, I'm home! We are dead. Dead, man!
我回来了 我们死定了 死定了
Muerto! Ormuerte! However the hell you...
挂了 完了 不管你TM怎么说
This is conjecture. This is conjecture? Yes. And conjecture isn't helping.
别疑神疑鬼的 我疑神疑鬼 是的 瞎猜是没有用的
Oh, my conjecture isn't helping. Ok. Fine.Facts then.
我在瞎猜吗 好吧 给我听着
Fact A: My phone rang, like, eight times last night. Dead air, hang ups every time.
首先 我的电话昨晚响了七八次 每次都不说话接起来就挂了
Second fact: 3 in the morning, I saw that black Caddy of his cruising my neighborhood.No headlights.
第二 凌晨三点 我看到他那辆黑色卡迪拉克在这附近转悠没打灯
If he wanted to kill us, he would've done it at the junkyard.
如果他真想杀我们 在废车场那会早就动手了
What is that? Conjecture? Are you basing that on that he's got a normal, healthy brain or something?
你那算什么瞎猜 你有啥根据你是觉得他脑筋正常还是怎么的
Did you not see him beat a dude to death for, like, nothing?
And that way... that way he just kept staring at us,saying, "You're done." "You're done"?
还有还有他死瞪着我们说 你们完事儿了 什么叫你们完事儿了
You wanna know what that means? I will tell you what that means. That means exactly how it sounds, yo!
你想知道吗 我来告诉你那什么意思 那就是说你们玩完了
All right. We are witnesses.We are loose ends. Right now, Tuco's thinking,"Yeah, hey, they cook good meth,but can I trust them?"
这下好了我们是目击证人 需要好好收拾 现在屠库正想着 “是啊 他们的货做得不错但他们可信吗”
What happens when he decides no?
It's him or us! You understand? It is him or us! How would you do it?
不是他死就是我们亡 明白吗 你自己选吧 你想怎么做
What do you mean? Specifically, How would you do it? Step by step.
什么意思 你的具体计划 你想怎么做 一步一步说
All right. Say we... Set up one last sale, this is providing he doesn't decide to waste us before then.
好吧 我们可以这样... 再安排一次交易 只要他不在此之前废了我们
Every time we bring in a new batch,he always...Tests the product, right? So, as his head is down...you know, just giving it a snort...
每次我们带了新货他总会先验货对吧 所以趁他低头深吸一口的时候砰砰砰
So three shots? Three shots, or, I don't know, two.But is it two, or is it three?
砰砰砰三枪搞定吗 三枪我不知道或者两枪 到底两枪还是三枪
Two would probably work, I guess. Two shots in the chest? Or in the face? Come on... I'm just trying to understand how this works.
也许两枪就够了 两枪打胸口 还是打脸 拜托 我只想搞清楚到底怎么才行
All right. We'll providing in that.But by now, the big guy, Gonzo... he's probably coming at you, right?
好吧这个晚点再议 不过在此之前 那个大块头怪诞他会对付你 是吧
So you turn toward him...How many shots for him?
I mean, He's a big guy, right? How many shots does that take?
他块头很大是吧 对他得开几枪才行呢
I don't know. Three shots. Okay, three shots.
我不知道 三枪吧 好的 三枪
Ok,Tuco and Gonzo. Two men down. Now, is there anyone else there?
屠库和怪诞这两个干掉了 那么还有别人吗
I mean, Tuco is usually with someone else, right? Maybe even a couple of guys.His dealers, his posse.
我是说屠库通常都会带上其他人 是吧 可能会带好几个他的同伙 手下
All right. So we'll put a pin in that one, too. Now, at this point,how many shots have been fired?
好吧 这个我们也暂且不论 现在你一共开了几枪了
I mean, You've gotta be running low.How many bullets does that gun take?
子弹还有剩吗 你那枪能装几颗子弹
How can you suggest that we kill a man and you can't even open the gun? It's not that easy, is it?
你连个弹匣都打不开 还想用这去杀人 没那么容易是吧
Hey, man, Walt, you did it. Call Skyler.
拜托沃尔特 你就杀过 呼叫斯凯勒
Hey, there. You've reached Walt,Skyler, and Walter Junior.
你好这里是沃尔特 斯凯勒小沃尔特的家
We can't come to the phone right now,so please leave us a message.
现在没法接听您的电话 有事请留言
Well, aren't you early bird,up and out already.
你们还真是早起的鸟儿啊 一早就出去了
The big lug and I are gonna go try that new restaurant over by UNM tonight.
So let me know if you guys wanna hang.
Listen to me. "Hang." Walt Junior would be proud.
听听我说的 "嗨皮" 小沃尔特肯定会很骄傲
I know the lingo. I'm still hip.
我连这都知道 还挺时髦的
It's Chinese... the restaurant. I don't know.I just feel like Chinese.
那是家中餐馆 不知道为什么我就是喜欢中餐
Do you think that people in China ever just feel like American?
You know, and they go out and get little take-out boxes with mashed potatoes and meat loaf,
我是说他们会不会叫上点外卖 比如土豆泥烤肉饼什么的
and try and figure out how to use the little knives and forks?
I wonder if that ever happens. All right. I'll let you go.So call me.
我很好奇会不会有这样的事 好吧 不废话了 给我回电话
Skyler didn't pick up? Obviously she's not home.
斯凯勒没接电话吗 她肯定不在家
What was that about Chinese? Dinner tonight.That new place.
你刚说什么中餐馆来着 就新开的那家想今晚去吃
How late they serve? I don't know. You got Dave at 8.
他们营业到几点 我不知道 8点你得去见戴夫
Not tonight. Yeah, you do. Remember? No, that's Thursday. I'm pretty sure that's Thursday.
没约今晚啊 是今晚 记得吗 不 约的周四 肯定是周四
Remember how, at the last minute,they changed it around for you? They were gonna charge us a penalty.
还记得最后他们怎么为你改期了吗 不去的话会罚款的
Look, baby,you only got six more sessions. And I'm doing them, Hank. I said I would do them, and I'm doing them.
宝贝只剩下六次治疗了 我会去的 汉克 我说到做到
I can't help it if you got your days of the week wrong.
Look out! Sorry, Mr. Schrader! Look, it's... You know, it's just... I think Dave is...really helping you.
小心 对不起 施拉德先生 我只是觉得 我觉得戴夫真的对你很有帮助
Sorry about that. She's... Where's my phone call?
很抱歉 她有点 我要打电话
Hits two in the sand,two in the forest. And then he says, "Give me a four." Gomez.
沙地上撂倒两个 树林里再撂倒一双 然后他说再来4个凑凑数 戈麦斯
What do you got for me? Come on. Chop-chop. Good morning to you, too.
有什么新线索没有 拿进来动作要快 这一大早的催命鬼似的
APD sent this over.This was about eight or ten days ago.
You know Southwest Aniline, right? Yeah, off the 25?
知道西南面那家苯胺厂吧 离这25公里那家吗知道
Whole place smells like feet. This is them. Check this out.
那地方老有股脚臭味儿 看看他们仔细看
Holy shit. What was that? Thermite. So they tell me.
该死的这是什么 铝热剂 他们是这么说的
Burns about 5,000 degrees. Kind of stuff you see on a James Bond movie.
燃烧起来大约有5000度 詹姆士·邦德经常会用到这招
Nice! Guys who know their trade. Wait. I take that back.
不错嘛 这两个家伙挺懂行的嘛 等等我收回刚才的话
What, they didn't think about stealing a hand truck?
Try rolling it, morons! It's a barrel. It rolls. Jesus.
可以推着走的笨蛋 那是个桶 可以用滚的老天
So what'd they get? Methylamine, 30 gallons.
他们偷了什么 30加仑甲胺(约合113多公升)
P2P? They're cooking old-school biker meth. Who the hell still does that?
苯基丙酮制毒吗 他们在用老式的学院派方式制毒 到底谁TM还在用这办法
All the old-timers I know are either dead or in prison.
Pseudo's in short supply, so these two make do by changing up the formula.
最近原料短缺 所以这俩家伙想改进配方
That and the thermite...I'd say these two know their chemistry.
知道这个还有铝热剂 不得不承认他们挺懂行的
But ranking them as burglars? Shit! I wouldn't trust these two to break into the Special Olympics.
但说到做贼的水平 三脚猫都不算连特奥会都轮不上他们
They got book learnin' but no street skills. Maybe they're college kids... Chem students trying to make a big score.
空有理论知识没有实战经验 也许他们就是学生 化学系的想得个高分
Maybe. I tell you,30 gallons of Precursor... That big a score, they're gonna wind up stepping on some toes.
也许吧 我跟你说整整30加仑的甲胺 这分数高的他们也不怕被人盯上
Tell you what, they better pray it's us who catches up to them and not those boys from Juarez.
要我说 他们最好祈祷赶紧让我们逮着 别给那帮墨西哥佬盯上咯
Your daughter wants out.
Hey, there. You've reached Walt, Skyler,and Walter Junior.
你好 这里是沃尔特斯凯勒 小沃尔特的家
We can't come to the phone right now, So please leave us a message.
现在没法接听您的电话 有事请留言
Hey, it's me. I thought I'd try you earlier this time, before you go out and, you know,face the day.
是我 我想这次该早点打给你 趁你们还没出去开始新一天的时候
I'm realizing now it probably takes you a little longer to get to the phone, owing to the extra baby weight...
我知道 你现在接电话肯定要慢好多了 毕竟挺着个大肚子嘛...
Hey, sweetie. Walt, did you spend the entire night out here?
亲爱的 沃尔特 你整个晚上都站在那吗
No, no.Well, not all of it. Oh, yeah. I did have a touch of...my stomach, you know?
没有不是一整晚 我确实觉得胃有点痛
I knew I was gonna be up and down,so I just didn't want to wake you.
How would he know where I live?
You're sure it was Tuco? Who else could it be?
你确定那是屠库 不是他还能是谁
Did you ever tell him my name,where I live or anything...like...No...What about Gonzo, or the dead one?
你告诉过他我的名字住址什么的吗 那怪诞呢 死掉的那个呢
Did you tell them anything about me? I didn't say jack!
你跟他们说过我什么吗 一个字都没说过
Men, Tuco must've put out,like, you know, feelers. He's got his ways and means, yo.Sources, all right? He's closing in.
屠库肯定是想探探你的底 他自有他的路子和办法 他有人脉的好吧 他正步步紧逼 他
And what happens when he finds out that my brother-in-law is a DEA agent?
Oh, God. What happens then? Look, it's got five bullets.
天哪 那怎么办 听着这里有5颗子弹
I finally figured out how to... Look, I just finally...I figured it out.
我总算搞清楚了怎么 总之我有数了
Say we get a second gun,right, for you. I mean, don't we, like,double our chances?
假设我们再去搞把枪给你 我们的胜算不是加倍了吗
I mean, mathematically. I've got a better idea.
我是说从数量上来看 我有个更好的主意
Thank God! All right. What is it, Mr. White? Lay it on me.
谢天谢地 是什么怀特先生 快说快说
Beans. Beans? They're castor beans. So what are we gonna do with them?
豆子 豆子 这是蓖麻豆 这是用来干什么吃的
Are we just gonna grow a magic beanstalk, huh? Climb it and escape?
你以为这是《杰克与魔豆》的故事是吗 顺着豆茎往上爬就能逃出生天
We are going to process them into ricin.
Rice and beans? Ricin. It's an extremely effective poison.
棺臃? 蓖麻毒素 是种剧毒物质
It's toxic in small doses. Also fairly easy to overlook during an autopsy.
所需剂量很小 尸检的时候也很容易被忽略掉
All right.So... Don't touch them.
好吧 这么说 别碰它们
Wait. Seriously,you can get poison from beans?
等等说真的 你真的能从豆子里提炼出毒来
Back in the late'70s, Ricin was used to assassinate a Bulgarian journalist.
上个世纪70年代末 蓖麻毒素曾被用来暗杀一名保加利亚记者
The KGB modified the tip of an umbrella to inject a tiny pellet into the man's leg.
克格勃间谍改造了一下伞尖 用它在那人腿上注入了那么一点
And we're talking about an amount not much bigger than the head of a pin.
But it killed him? Oh yes. Now we just need to figure out a delivery device, and then...no more Tuco.
但能杀死他 当然 现在我们只要想出怎么给他下毒 然后就没屠库这个人了
How you doing? Is this...This a bad time?
最近怎样 我来的不是时候吗
No, come on in. I should've called first. I'm sorry.
没事进来吧 抱歉我该先打个电话的
What can I do for you? Maybe we ought...
有什么事吗 也许我们该...
You want to sit down first?
I don't know, Hank. Depends on whether or not this is gonna be about Marie.
我不知道汉克 得看你要聊的是不是玛丽的事
Did she send you? Hell, no.
她让你来的吗 不是的
She's barely even talking to me. That's why I'm here, okay? Self-preservation. Big time.
她都不怎么跟我讲话了 所以我才来找你好吗 为求自保 刻不容缓
Look,I know you gals have your ups and downs. I get it. Gals...
我知道你们姐妹俩时好时坏的 这点我知道 姐妹俩
And I need to get involved like I need a second hole in my ass.
But if you could do me this huge favor and just return her phone calls.
看我的面子上帮我个忙 给她回个电话吧
I don't... Think I'm quite ready to do that yet.
我还不 还不准备理她
You know, communication. Communication, right? The back, the forth. Come on.
你知道的沟通 沟通万岁 对吧 退一步海阔天空拜托了
Sky, do this for me, please. You can yell at her. Just call her back.
斯凯勒看我的面子 求你了 你可以冲她吼几句 就回个电话给她吧
Marie is a shoplifter, Hank. That's right.
玛丽她入店行窃了 汉克 就是这样
That "Baby Shower" she gave me at the shower? She stole it from Gertrude Zachary's.
记得婴儿送礼会上她送的那个头饰 那是她在圣扎迦利婴儿用品店偷来的
Yean,I almost got arrested when I went back to return it. And Marie won't admit it. She won't apologize.
我去退货的时候差点被抓起来 玛丽她倒好 她不肯承认 更不肯道歉
If I thought you were gonna return it, I would have never..you know.
You knew about this?
We're working on it. I mean, she's got this therapist, Dave.
我们正在想办法 我是说她去找了个心理治疗师 戴夫
And, I mean, Dave is really good. Dave's good.
戴夫很在行的 戴夫很在行
But it's an ongoing process, Sky, and we have gotta be understanding.
但这是个渐进的过程 斯凯勒 我们该理解她
You know? I mean, we've gotta... You know. We've gotta... Support the shit out of her.
我是说我们该 我们该 帮帮她
Do we? Yeah. I need support. Me!
是吗 是的 需要帮助的人是我 是我
The almost 40-year-old pregnant woman, with the surprise baby on the way.
将近40岁了意外怀孕 挺着这么个大肚子
And the husband with the lung cancer who disappears for hours on end,and I don't know where he goes,
丈夫又得了肺癌 还整天不知所踪鬼才知道他去哪了
and he barely even speaks to me anymore.
With the moody son who does the same thing. And the overdrawn checking account.
还有个喜怒无常的儿子跟他老爸一个德性 存款账户早就透支了
And the lukewarm water heater that leaks rusty-looking crap
And is rotting out the floor of the utility closet and we can't even afford to fix it.
储藏柜的底都快给它烂掉了 我们甚至连修理费都付不起了
But, oh, I see! Now I'm supposed to go,"Hank, please. What can I possibly do to further benefit"
但是我明白 现在我该说的是汉克 求你了 我能做点什么好呢怎么才能帮上忙
"My spoiled, kleptomaniac bitch sister who somehow always manages to be the center of attention!"
我那妹妹虽然娇生惯养 偷窃成癖 但谁让她到哪都是大家关注的焦点呢
"'Cause God knows she's the one with the really important problems!
老天明鉴她才是那个 制造麻烦的人呢
Want me to take a look at that utility closet? That's all it takes?
要我帮你看看那个储藏柜吗 这样就可以了吗
That's all it takes. So, now what?
这样就可以了 那么现在怎么办
Now, we arrange our next meet, in a public place this time.Nice and safe. Business as usual.
现在我们安排下次交易 这次要找个公共场所舒适又安全的地方 装得若无其事的样子
And, uh, after we sell him our usual four pounds, then we'll pull this out.
跟往常一样卖给他4磅货 然后我们把这个拿出来
"By the way, Tuco, the new meth formula we've been working on. Would you care to try it?"
还有件事屠库 这是我们研制出来的新配方 有没有兴趣一试
Okay, well, what's new about it? I mean just in case he asks. What do we say?
好 那么 新货在哪里 我是说以防万一 他问起的话我们怎么说
I don't know. Whatever you want. It gets the user insanely high. I mean, how much salesmanship do we really need?
我不知道随便扯点什么 就说抽了会爽到颠 这又不需要什么销售技巧
That degenerate snorts anything he gets his hands on.
Okay, well, we'll just put a pin in that, then.
好吧 说辞我们也暂且不论
Anyway, within the next 48 hours, maybe 72, it'll look like natural causes.
总之在接下来的48小时内 也许72小时 他会死得像自然死亡那样
What, like a heart attack? Or the flu, maybe.
怎么死心脏病那样吗 或者禽流感什么的
His associates won't know any differently, and we'll be in the clear. Not if Tuco kills us first.
他的手下不会发现任何异常 而我们也不会被怀疑 只要屠库不先对我们下手
Just keep it down. Hey, Hank. What's up?
别出声 汉克有事吗
Hey, buddy. You been home yet? No.Why?
老兄 你回过家了吗 还没怎么了
'Cause I really screwed up. I apologize in advance for the earful you're gonna hear from Skyler.
我把事情搞砸了 赶在斯凯勒对你大发牢骚之前我先跟你道歉
I'm just trying to get her and Marie talking again. Big mistake.I should have just kept out of it.
我本意是想让她和玛丽合好如初 我大错特错了 我就不该卷进去的
Yeah, well, okay. Me and my big mouth, I guess.
好的 没事 我真是个大嘴巴
Well, that happens. It's no problem. No worries.
你也不是有意的没问题的 别担心了
Well, thanks, man. I appreciate that. Jesus, the wives, huh?
谢谢你兄弟 我很感激 真是的这些女人哪
Hank, unfortunately, I really... Oh, yeah, man, don't let me keep you.
汉克很不巧 我真的得 不好意思我就不耽误你了
Actually, I'm at work, so... You wanna see something really freaky?
事实上我也在忙呢 对了 想开开眼戒吗
Well, I would, but... Seriously, Walt, this is...
我倒是想只是 说真的沃尔特 这简直是
Yeah, you gotta check out this crime scene me and Gomie are at. Just a second.
我和格米就在这个凶案现场呢你真该见识一下 等等
Hang on, hang on.It should be coming through right now.
Guess it could be worse, huh? We could be having a day like these two.
没你想象得那么糟吧 说不定哪天我们也跟这俩家伙一样了
A couple of local bulletheads. Guess they pissed off the wrong guy.
两个本地帮派的冲头 估计是惹错人了
Walt, you there?
I'm taking this. No! It's my gun! I need it! No, you don't!Not if you leave town. Get out of here
我得拿着这个 不行 这是我的枪 我需要它 不 你逃得远远的就不需要枪了 快离开这儿
Tuco killing Gonzo means he's coming after us next.
屠库既然杀了怪诞 下一个肯定会来找我们
I've gotta get home. My family.
Where's Walter Junior?
Having dinner at Louis's house.Supposedly. All day, I've had the whole house to myself.
估计是去路易斯家吃晚饭去了 整整一天我一个人守着这个空房子
So where have you been this time? Walt, will you come in here and talk to me please?
这次你又去哪了 沃尔特过来跟我说说话 好吗
I'll be right there. I recognize these two knobjobs. Known associates of a psychotic piece of shit named Tuco Salamanca.
我马上过去 我认得这两个家伙 他们是屠库·塞拉曼加这个变态的手下
Guess he got tired of associating. Yeah.
估计他用不着他们俩了 是的
Do you mind if I get in there? No, go ahead.
介意我过去看看吗 请便
The big one smells fresher. You guys find a death wound? I see lots of blood,but no bullet holes.
大块头的死亡时间要晚点 找到致命伤了吗 血倒是流了很多但没看到弹孔
You done taking pictures? All right.Let's lay them out flat.
照片都拍好了吗 好的 把他放平了准备尸检吧
Let me get out of your way here, man.
Oh, snap! Damn, Ricky. Leave something for the coroner.
见鬼 瑞奇给验尸官留点能解剖的东西吧
Oh, this is beautiful.
Hey, someone call Jay Leno. We've got the world's dumbest criminal.
This guy wasn't murdered.Look.
Big Stuff, here,was moving this guy's body, when the stack must have shifted.
大块头是到这搬这家伙的尸体 肯定是动到了上面那堆东西
Crushed his arm, pinned him here, and he bled out!
砸在他手臂上把他钉在了这儿 他是失血过多挂掉的
Poetic justice.Oh, I love it.
老天有眼啊 我爱死它了
Don't you just? Get a photo of me with this guy, all right? Old Stumpy, here. Make sure you get the stump in there.
可不是嘛 给我和这家伙来张合影 拍这个大胖墩记得要把大胖墩一起拍进去
Walt,would you talk to me, please?
沃尔特 跟我说说话吧 求你了
I don't know where to begin. What the hell are you doing here? Get in. Get in. Let's go.
我不知该从何说起 你TM到这来干嘛 上车 上车 开车