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权力的游戏(MP3+中英字幕) 第10集:血火同源(2)

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权力的游戏(MP3+中英字幕) 第9集:贝勒神像

I'm not afraid of some hole in the ground. You've lived beyond the Wall. What are you scared of? I'm a crippled boy and I'm willing to go.

一个地洞才吓不倒我你在长城外长大 有什么吓得倒你我只是个残废的小孩 我都敢下去

That's my grandfather Lord Rickard. He was burned alive by the Mad King Aerys. That's Lyanna, my father's sister.

这是我爷爷瑞卡德公爵他被疯王伊里斯活活烧死那是莱安娜 我父亲的妹妹

King Robert was supposed to marry her, but Rhaegar Targaryen kidnapped her. Robert started a war to win her back.

劳勃国王本应该娶她但雷加.坦格利安却把她强行掳走为了救回她 劳勃挑起了战争

He killed Rhaegar, but she died anyway. That's where I saw father. You see? He's not here.

他杀了雷加 可她还是死了我就是在这里看到父亲的你瞧 他不在这里

Here, shaggydog. Rickon! That beast is supposed to be chained in the kennels! He doesn't like chains. What are you doing down here?

回来 毛毛狗 瑞肯那头野东西应该被拴在狗舍里他不喜欢被拴着 你在这里做什么

Come back up with us. No, I came to see father. How many times have I told you? He's in King's Landing with Sansa and Arya.

跟我们回去吧 不要 我来看爸爸的我跟你说了多少次 他在君临城珊莎和艾莉亚也是

He was down here. I saw him. Saw him when? Last night,

他在这里 我看到他了什么时候看到的昨晚

When I was sleeping. Here, Shaggydog. You both miss him.

在我梦里走 毛毛狗你们都太想他了




