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权力的游戏(MP3+中英字幕) 第9集:贝勒神像(20)

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权力的游戏(MP3+中英字幕) 第9集:贝勒神像

But I seem to have lost it. It's not your sword I want. Give me my daughters back.

但是我不知道我的剑丢哪儿了. 我不需要你的剑. 我要我的女儿们.

Give me my husband. I've lost them too, I'm afraid. Kill him, Robb. Send his head to his father.

我要我的丈夫. 恐怕我也不知道他们在哪儿. 杀了他, 罗柏. 把他的头给他老爸送去.

He cut down 10 of our men-you saw him. He's more use to us alive than dead. Take him away and put him in irons.

他砍倒了我们十个人-你都看见了. 他活着比死了对我们更有用. 把他带走并戴上镣铐.

We could end this war right now, boy, save thousands of lives. You fight for the Starks, I fight for the Lannisters.

我们可以立即结束这场战争, 小子, 免得牺牲成千上万的生命. 你代表史塔克家, 我代表兰尼斯特家.

Swords or lances, teeth, nails-choose your weapons and let's end this here and now. If we do it your way, Kingslayer,

剑或长枪, 牙齿或指甲-什么武器随你挑 让我们在此时此地解决问题. 如果我们照你的方式去做, 弑君者,

You'd win. We're not doing it your way. Come on, pretty man.

赢的会是你. 我们不会照你的方式去做. 来吧, 漂亮小子.

I sent 2,000 men to their graves today. The bards will sing songs of their sacrifice. Aye. But the dead won't hear them.

今天我将两千名弟兄送进了坟墓. 诗人会为他们的牺牲谱写歌谣. 是的, 但死者听不到.

One victory does not make us conquerors. Did we free my father? Did we rescue my sisters from the Queen?

一场胜利不会令我们成为征服者. 我们救出我父亲了吗? 我们从王后手中救出我妹妹了吗?

Did we free the North from those who want us on our knees? This war is far from over. Could I have one?

我们从压迫者手中为北境争得自由了吗? 这场战争还远未结束. 能给我一个吗?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
rescue ['reskju:]


vt. 营救,援救
n. 营救,救援

sword [sɔ:d]


n. 剑,刀

sacrifice ['sækrifais]


n. 牺牲,供俸,祭品
vt. 牺牲,祭祀,贱





