You sure you want to hear this?
Why does it have to be them? I read that paper.
Everyone reads that paper. Why can’t it be the Vlliage Volce?
大家都会读到的 为什么它就不能低调点呢?
Well, these fuckers don’t like It much elther.
嗯 这些混蛋也不怎么喜欢
Do you realize that everyone we know
is sitting around right now,just like this
都正这样坐着 就像这样…
Having breakfast, drinkin’ coffee, eating bagels,
吃着早餐 喝着咖啡 吃着百吉圈
reading this goddamn review?
Then why do you give a shit all of a sudden?
Since when did you care about reviews?
Because I’ve never tried to write a real novel before.
Do you understand that?
This is different. This This is my baby.
这不一样 这…这就像我的小孩
This is, you know, literature.
它是 文学
This could be the next great American novel.
This could put me in the company of Mailers and Roths and Bellows.
它可能让我跻身于美乐 罗斯 比露这样的公司
The other stuff Come on. It’s just fluff.
更何况 拜托 以前的只是些鸡毛蒜皮
It’s just detective novels. This is supposed to be more.
只是些侦探小说 而这个应该会很好的
Look, and it ls more, man, regardless of what the critics say.
听着 是很好呀 只要别去管评论家的话