You can be at no loss to understand why I am here.
I cannot account for this honour at all.
I warn you, I am not to be trifled with.
班奈特小姐 我警告妳,不要耍我
A most alarming report has reached me.
That you intend to be united with my nephew, Mr Darcy.
妳有意与我外甥 达西先生联姻
I know this to be a falsehood. Though not wishing to injure him
我知道这是谎言 我不想信以为真而伤害他
by supposing it possible, I instantly set off to make my sentiments known.
If you believed it impossible, I wonder that you came so far.
若妳认为不可能 何必大老远跑来?
To hear it contradicted.
Your coming will be a confirmation if such a report exists.
如果有这样的传闻 妳的光临就能证明
If? You pretend to be ignorant of it?
Has it not been industriously circulated by yourself?
I have never heard of it.
Can you declare there is no foundation for it?
I do not pretend to possess equal frankness with your Ladyship.
You may ask a question which I may choose not to answer.
妳可以问问题 我不一定要回答
Has my nephew made you an offer of marriage?
Your Ladyship has declared it to be impossible.
Mr Darcy is engaged to my daughter. Now what have you to say?
达西先生已跟我女儿订婚 妳有什麽话要说?
If that is the case, you cannot suppose he would make an offer to me.
若是如此 妳就没有理由认为他跟我求婚
Selfish girl. This union has been planned since their infancy.
妳这自私的女孩 他们从小就配对了