Where did you dig this up?
I still remember you bounding into morning labstraightfrom the poker tables, having hustled some jackass out of 100 pounds.
我还记得你那时经常通宵打牌 赢个100磅之后兴冲冲地跑去实验室
Seems like a thousand years ago.
Yeah. I could read you back then.
是啊 那时我一眼就能看出你在想什么
Not as well as you thought.
I spoke to Gunderson at the FDA.
We know the 9,000-person study is a sham, so if you've got anything to say, you should say it now.
我们知道9000人试验是个骗局 所以如果你有什么想说 最好现在告诉我
Cal, I have no idea what you're talking about.
卡尔 你说啥呢
She's selling a killer drug.We spoke to the testing labs.We watched her on tape.
她在推销致命的药物 我们和试验室的人谈过了 也看了她的录像带
Aisha Ward was telling the truth about Priox.Vandeman's lying...
阿伊萨·沃克就"普利克斯"的所言属实 而万德曼在撒谎
Are you serious?
Yeah.And I know you're helping.
真的 我还知道你也有参与
Oh, and you think that I would do something like that?
Tell me it's not true.
It's not true.
You're lying.I can see it in your face.
你撒谎 我能从你脸上看出
No, I'm not.
Yeah, you are. You're covering.
不 你有 你在掩饰
You are unbelievable, you know that?I saw the guilty look you have when you watch Vandeman.You're involved in this.
我真是没想到你会这样 你看着万德曼时表情内疚 你参与这事了
There's no "this, Cal.Erica and I are having an affair.That's it.We're having an affair, okay? You happy now?
卡尔 根本就没有什么"事 艾瑞卡和我在偷情 就是这样 我们在偷情 你满意了吗
You're cheating on Sarah?
Are you going to lecture me about marriage now?'Cause, you know what? That would be rich.
你还准备给我上一堂婚姻教育课吗 今天真是受益匪浅啊
You really had no idea she was manipulating the data.
You know something?For somebody who studied emotions their entire life,you really don't understand them at all.
知道吗 像你这样一辈子研究表情的人真是完全的不可理喻
You have to stay away from her, Jeffrey.
杰弗里 你得离她远点
Okay.I mean it. This investigation's going to get ugly.
知道 我说真的 局势要变得难看起来了
Erica's going to jail.You can't call her. You can't email her.You can't be near her when that happens.I mean it. Stay away from her.
艾瑞卡会进监狱 你不能打电话或写邮件给她 她被逮捕时你不能在她身边出现 说真的 离她远点
Thanks for the friendlyadvice.