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1. proof: 样本

2. manhunt: 搜捕

3. stunning: 惊人的

4. twist: 逆转

5. major: 主要的

6. drama: 戏剧

7. preempt: 先占

8. embarrassment: 尴尬

9. photograph: 相片

10. reveal: 透露

11. publish: 出版

12. completely: 完全地

13.0unretouched: 未动过的

14. wanna: 【方言,口语】=want to

15. spotlight: 聚光灯

16. hypocrisy: 虚伪

17. normal: 正常的

18. outcast: 异类

19. audacious: 大胆的

20. recently: 最近

21. install: 上任

22. mark: 标志着

23. anonymous: 匿名的

14. indeed: 确实

25. bastard: 私生子


1. 名词类:


Exp. an organized search by a lot of people for a criminal or a prisoner who has escaped 搜捕

Eg. A wild manhunt was launched. 一场不顾一切的追逐开始了。

Eg. They are on a manhunt. 他们在执行搜捕任务。


Exp. trial copy of printed material produced so that corrections may be made 校样

Eg. check proofs of a book 校对某书的校样

read the proofs of a book 审阅某书的校样

correct the proofs of a book 修改某书的校样


Eg. change or development 转折; 转变; 发展

Eg. the twists and turns in the economy, market, policy 经济﹑市场﹑政策的转变

Eg. He had a strange twist of fate and became famous in 1997. 他的命运有了奇异的改变,在1977年成名了。

Eg. The story had an odd twist at the end.那个故事煞尾处奇峰突出。



Usage:~ sth (to sb)

Exp. make (facts, etc) known 使(事实等)显露出来; 透露; 泄露; 揭露:

Eg. reveal secrets, details, methods, faults, feelings 泄露秘密﹑披露详情﹑透露方法﹑揭露错误﹑流露感情

Eg. I can't reveal who told me. 我不能透露是谁告诉我的。

Eg. The doctor did not reveal the truth to him. 医生没有向他透露真想。

Eg. Teachers revealed to the press that they were going on strike/what action they were taking. 教师向报界透露他们将举行罢教。

Eg. Policemen revealed to the press what action they were taking. 警方向报界透露他们正在采取什么行动。


Usage:~ sb in... ~ sb as...

Exp. place sb in a new position of authority with the usual ceremony(以例行仪式)使某人就新职

Eg. He was installed as President last May. 去年五月他上任总统职位。

Eg. He installed that priest in office. 他使那个牧师就职了。


Exp. indicate or denote (sth)

表示, 指明(某事物),标志着

Eg. This cross marks the spot where she died. 这个十字符号标明她死去的地点。

Eg. His death marked the end of an era. 他的死标志着一个时代的结束。


Exp. practice of misrepresenting one's real character, opinions, etc, esp by pretending to be more virtuous than one really is; insincerity 伪善; 虚伪

Eg. He condemned the hypocrisy of those politicians who do one thing and say another.

Eg. It's hypocrisy for them to pretend that they were shocked at the news.



Exp. extremely surprising or shocking 极为惊讶的,极为震惊的

Eg. He suffered a stunning defeat in the election. 他在选举中遭到了极为意外的挫败。

Eg. His plays are distinguished only by their stunning mediocrity. 他的戏剧与众不同之处就是平凡得出奇。


Exp. if you preempt an action, you prevent it from happening by doing something that makes it unnecessary or impossible 预先制止

Eg. The law would preempt stronger local rules. 该法律将预先制止更强硬的地方性法规。


Exp. showing a willingness to take risks; daring; fearless 有冒险精神的; 大胆的; 无畏的

Eg. He has made an audacious plan. 他做了个大胆的计划。

Eg. He was known for risky tactics that ranged from audacious to outrageous. 他以大胆甚至是骇人听闻的冒险战术而闻名。

Eg. He is an audacious mountain climber. 敢于冒险的登山运动员


Exp. or given by sb who does not reveal his name 匿名的; 不具名的

Eg. an anonymous letter, message, gift, phone call 匿名信﹑ 不具名的信息﹑ 无名氏的礼物﹑ 未留名的电话

Eg, You can remain anonymous if you wish. 如果你愿意你可以保持匿名。

An anonymous benefactor stepped in to provide the prize money. 一位匿名捐助人参与进来提供了奖金。

文章关键字: 丑女 贝蒂





