Willie Ray Johnson: Goodness, is someone coming with us? Is that it? Is that the surprise? Ooh! Is that it?
有人要跟我们一起去么?就是这个?这个就是惊喜?噢! 就是这个?
Brenda Leigh Johnson: Yes. Now, mama. I don't want you to get all excited about this and all. You know too happy.
是的, 妈妈。我不想你为此太过高兴,别太高兴了。
Willie Ray Johnson: You're dating someone! Oh, honey, how wonderful! I can't wait to tell your father
你在和某个人约会!噢, 亲爱的, 这太好了!我几乎等不及要告诉你父亲了
Brenda Leigh Johnson: Uh mama? Too happy Too happy.
妈妈? 太高兴了过头了
Willie Ray Johnson: What does he do for a living?
Brenda Leigh Johnson: Uh he's a special agent for the F.B.I.
Willie Ray Johnson: He has a job, too! And it must be serious, because you're introducing us.
他还有工作! (亲娘哎,您心目中的未来女婿标准到底是多低...无力扶额)那你一定是认真的了,要不也不会介绍我们互相认识了。
Brenda Leigh Johnson: Not unless you let me go. Fritz, come in
Fritz Howard: Thank you, Brenda.
Brenda Leigh Johnson: Fritz Howard, I'd like you to meet my mama, Willie Ray Johnson
Fritz Howard, 这是我妈妈,Willie Ray Johnson
Fritz Howard: It's a pleasure, ma'am.
很荣幸见到您, 女士
Willie Ray Johnson: How lovely! Well thank you. Thank you so much. I was just asking Brenda if we were gonna see some movie stars and you walk through the door. So handsome. Mmm!
Willie Ray Johnson: Would someone mind telling me what's going on? Roy?
Roy: I'm sorry, ma'am. I'm not at liberty to say.
Willie Ray Johnson: Say what? That someone tried to shoot my daughter?
告诉我什么? 不能说有人朝我女儿开了枪?(开始套话....)
Roy: So you already know?
Willie Ray Johnson: Of course. Just not all the details.
Roy: Well, ma'am, your daughter and sergeant Gabriel weren't hit. One of the passengers was killed. The other one's gonna make it.
Willie Ray Johnson: And your father is interesting in visiting that aircraft carrier at the maritime museum in San Diego. That seemed a bit of ...
Brenda Leigh Johnson: Fritz and I are engaged.
Willie Ray Johnson: I knew it!
Roy: Nice.Good for you.
Brenda Leigh Johnson: How did you know?
Willie Ray Johnson: A mother knows these things. And besides, your hand kept reaching over to feel your ring fingeras if something was missing.