Game creator Rovio confirmed that a film of the iPhone hit Angry Birds is in development, as it announced that 400 million people had downloaded the game.
The story of this game is quite interesting. In order to revenge pigs who stole birds'eggs, these birds try to attack pig's building with their own bodies as bullets. In the game, players use catapults to fire infuriated birds at pigs hiding inside buildings made of planks.
Rovio said that a new bird will be launched in-game for Halloween—and even offered a tantalising glimpse of the small part of new Angry Bird's on his Facebook.
Speaking at the Web 2.0 conference in San Francisco, Rovio also said that Angry Birds is being played for 300 million minutes per day worldwide.
The film, to be produced in conjunction with Marvel—will explore the emotional connection gamers have with Angry Birds, a Marvel executive told Hollywood trade magazine Variety this year.
So far, Rovio has yet to spend a single penny on marketing or advertising, reports TechCrunch, but sells a million Angry Birds toys and a million T-shirts every month.
A recent survey estimated that Britain's economy lost more than $800 million a year to games played on smartphones such as iPhone at work. 'Gaming has gone mainstream with Angry Birds,' says Stuart Miles, founder of Britain's biggest independent gadget site Pocket Lint, 'Everybody from my three year old son to my granny can play these games. It's breaking down the barriers—gaming is no longer just something for spotty teenagers.
一项最近的调查估计,每年英国超过8亿的经济损失是因为工作时玩智能手机(比如iPhone)游戏。英国最大的独立配件网站Pocket Lint的创始人斯图尔特·迈尔斯说:“游戏由于愤怒的小鸟成为主流。从我三岁的儿子到我的奶奶,所有的人都在玩这个游戏。这打破了游戏的壁垒——游戏不再只是零星的青少年才能玩的了得东西。”