The Illusionist 魔术师
The film begins in medias res as Chief Inspector Walter Uhl (Paul Giamatti) moves to arrest Herr Eisenheim (Edward Norton) during what appears to be necromancy passed off as a magic show. He then begins to recount the story of Eisenheim for Crown Prince Leopold.Eisenheim was born the son of a cabinetmaker in Vienna, Austria- Hungary and is seen training for this same trade. One day when he was a teenager, Eisenheim (played as a young man by Aaron Johnson) meets a traveling magician along a road. The magician performs several tricks for him and then, according to various accounts, both the magician and the tree he was sitting under vanish. Eisenheim becomes obsessed with magic tricks after this...
1900年,科学的发展还未能遮盖魔术的神秘感,维也纳的人们对艾森海姆(爱德 华·诺顿 Edward Norto饰)的魔术更是达到了痴迷的状态。这个神奇的魔术师总是能把现实和虚幻的东西混为一体,让人坠入云里雾里,怀疑他是否真的具有超能力。 而台下的乌尔侦探,更是想从艾森海姆每一场的表演里看出幕后的真相。一 天,一位上台接受挑战的女子令艾森海姆大为震惊——她就是自 己往日的恋人苏菲(杰西卡·贝尔 Jessica Biel 饰)。他们曾经因为等级门户之被迫分开,而如今,苏菲将成为王储的妻子。尽管这样,二人还是旧情复炽,无法自拔。当苏菲打算放弃一切跟爱森海姆私奔时,悲剧却发生了,她离奇死去,所有证据都表明凶手就是由爱生恨的王储。真相似乎已经大白,但是魔术师的世界亦真亦幻,实情也随之扑朔迷离。