The Mist 迷雾
The morning after a violent thunderstorm, a thick unnatural mist quickly spreads across the small town of Bridgton, Maine, reducing visibility to near-zero and concealing numerous species of bizarre creatures which viciously attack anyone and anything that ventures out into the open.
The bulk of the story details the plight of a large group of people who become trapped while shopping in the town supermarket, among them a commercial artist named David Drayton (the protagonist and narrator), David's young son Billy, and their estranged neighbor Brent Norton, who accompanied them into town after his car was smashed by a tree. Amongst others trapped in the market are a young woman named Amanda Dumfries and two soldiers from a nearby military installation, home to what is referred to as "The Arrowhead Project"; the soldiers' eventual joint suicide lends some credence to the theory of this Project being the source of the disaster...
一座风景秀美的小镇被一场突如其来的浓雾瞬间淹没。雾中传来阵阵惨叫,人们惊慌失措地四处逃散。戴维和他的儿子与众多镇上的人被困在小镇超市里,等待雾的 消散。浓雾并没有如期望的散开,而走进浓雾的人一去不返。浓雾逐渐露出了它狰狞的 面目。恐惧、惊慌、挣扎、悲伤、绝望……人们的精神濒临崩溃。如何才能活着走出迷雾?面对超市里几近癫狂的人们和超市外吞噬一切、不可知的迷雾,戴维 紧紧搂着儿子,开始了艰难的求生之路……