Bella: Edward, why did you save me? If you just let thevenomspread, I could be like you by now.
Edward: You don't know what you're saying. You don't want this.
Bella: I want you. Always.
Edward: I'm not gonna end your life for you.
Bella: I'm dying already. Every second, I get closer. Older.
Edward: That's the way it's supposed to be.
Bella: Alice said that she saw me like you. I heard her.
Edward: Hervisionschange.
Bella: Yeah,based onwhat people decide. I've decided.
Edward: So that's what youdream about. Becoming amonster.
Bella: I dream about being with you forever.
Edward: Forever? And you're ready right now?
Bella: Yes.
"Bleeding or lost you. Americanmouth. Bigpill."
Edward: Is it not enough just to have a long and happy life with me?
Bella: Yeah. For now.
Bella: No one willsurrendertonight, but I won'tgive in. I know what I want.
"Have I found you. Flightless bird.Grounded.Bleedingor lost you. Americanmouth."