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来源:沪江英语 编辑:memeyyr   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

7. Chuck: My plans for the evening got held up at customs.
Eric: Your dad just insinuated that Jonathan might be dating someone else. How and why would he know that?

hold up: 阻拦,耽搁了,这里是说因为感恩节的传统,我的计划就无法进行了。这个词组比较常用的一个句子是Sorry I was late, I was held up at the meeting.(不好意思,我因为开会被耽搁了,所以迟到了)
insinuated: 含沙射影,暗示。这里Bart超强,连Eric的男朋友Jonathan劈腿的事情都查出来了。

8. Serena: Chuck, I want you word that you will not mention anything about the girl I used to be. I just got Aaron to myself, and if the one thing I have to do to keep it that way is hide my recent history for a while, then that's what I'm gonna do.

get someone/something to myself: 专属,独享。这里对应的是Aaron对Serena说自己现在是one woman man(我现在就你一个女朋友),另外还可以说date exclusively,这些词组都表示一对一的意思。to myself这个词组在这集里还出现过一次,就是Blair打电话给Serena,"I'm so glad to have the house to myself."(我很高兴家里就我一个人了)。
keep it that way: 保持这样的状态

9. Serena: Well, you know, he's-- he's probably just jealous.
Aaron: Yeah. Yeah, I mean, he was talking a lot about Thanksgiving last year when you two were together, so...
Serena: Yeah. Well, I guess he's just not as over me as I thought he was.

He's no over me: 他还没有忘记我,注意这种分手后的释怀,忘记,不用forget,用over.

10. Blair: Don't you dare answer that blackberry, Dorota.
Dorota: But it's your mother, and it's Thanksgiving
Blair: And we have nothing to be thankful for. This is the worst Thanksgiving of all time, and if we have to wander the upper east side like outcasts in a Jane Austen novel, so be it.
Dorota: Maybe we can go feed ducks at boat pond like when you were little.
Blair: Fine. I'm not a monster. I won't deny the ducks their dinner. But if you look like you enjoy even one second of it, we're leaving.

我很喜欢这一段,所以全部摘录下来了。大家注意一下I won't deny the ducks their dinner.里deny的用法,“我不是恶魔,我不会不给他们吃饭的。”注意这段(22:10)里Dorota的给Eleanor设定的手机铃声是 I'm a slave for you, 很搞笑的。我也弄了一段这样的铃声,大家可以去这里下载:

11. Serena: Oh. Uh, mom, have you shown Aaron your beautiful art collection?
Aaron: Oh, yeah. Um, was that a Jessica Craig-Martin I saw over there?
Lily: Why, yes, it is, Aaron. Good eye.

Good eye: 好眼力

12. Oh, I missed you, too. I call dibs on mashed potatoes.

dibs: A claim expressing priority over an object. 对……有优先权,类似中文的“你们不要跟我抢,我有优先权”。可以说I got dibs on that last piece of pizza, 也可以用在人的身上,I got dibs on that girl over there.





