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来源:沪江英语 编辑:memeyyr   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

6. Blair: The point is, enough of this high school nonsense. Nelly or no Nelly, who cares? I have enough going on already.

I have enough going on already: 我已经够烦的了

7. Serea: Blair, it's Chuck. He's somewhere blowing off steam. It's what he does. He'll show up in a couple days minus a few million brain cells and some liver tissue.

blow off steam: 发挥多余的精力。后面那句是暗示他喝很多酒,所以脑细胞跟肝脏都有损伤。

8. Penelope: Daddy? I need you to call headmistress Queller. There's a girl bullying me.

bully: 欺负,经常用在学校里,指恃强凌弱

9. Chuck: That's the problem with an open invitation. You can't keep out the hoi polloi.
Dan: What do you know about my Dad and Lily?
Chuck: So the cat's out of the bag.

open invitation: 没有正式的邀请函,客人可以自己决定到达的时间,也不限制客人的身份。如果有人对你说Please drop by again. You have our open invitation. 意思是下次欢迎你随时 造访,不必预约。另外有个open bar,通常指那些婚礼、宴会上的吧台服务,酒水是免费的。用在酒吧里,open bar表示买一张门票就可以无限畅饮的意思。
hoi polloi: 民众,大众
(let) the cat's out of the bag: 揭露一个秘密,尤其是很重要,很关键的秘密



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