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来源:沪江英语 编辑:memeyyr   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

7. Vanessa: You know who I am?
Girl: Please. Dating Nate Archibald after striking out with Dan Humphrey? Talk about failing upwards.

strike out: 三振出局,比喻一件事情做了几次都没有成功
failing upwards: upward是向上爬的意思,这里是说V失败的挤入上流社会的企图

8. Vanessa: I just dropped Dan off at the loft.
Serena: Oh, no. I came to see you. I'm here on a rather pathetic mission. I'm boyfriend snooping.

drop off: 把某人放在某地。比如你开车送别人,你说我把你放在学校门口,英文就是I’ll drop you off at the school.
snoop: to spy, 窥探隐私,打听消息

9. Blair: Spare me those expressive eyebrows. I can't wait till you get Botox.

spare me: 省省吧。后面的expressive eyebrows指的是S脸部表情夸张,眉毛都飞起来了。所以B说你很快就要注射Botox(肉毒素)连消皱纹了。

10. Jenny: Um, I'm gonna go find Eric, but text me if you need any moral support.
Dan: I can't. I lost my phone. I'm stuck with dad's old cell. It practically has a rotary dial.

go find: 注意这种go + verb的结构,虽然不符合语法规则,但口语里经常这么用,省略了and.
stuck with: 勉强的用,凑合着用
rotary dial: 转盘式的拨号(估计Dan是在开玩笑,嘲笑他爸爸的手机是古董货)

11. Chuck: You're my only family. How could you do this to me?
Jack: You did it to yourself.

You did it to yourself: 你是自作自受

12. Dan: I mean, this whole thing has actually made me nostalgic for the days when jenny was the problem. Speaking of which, I should go check on her. I mean, today's been tough on her, obviously.

nostalgic: 思乡的,怀旧的,这里是说Dan怀念过去那段时间
go check on: 去看看某人,看他情况怎么样

13. Chuck: I'm sorry. I screwed up.
Blair: It's too late, Chuck. I have stood by you through all of this, but I can't watch you self-destruct any longer.
Chuck: Jack set me up.
Blair: There's no one to blame but yourself.

set up: 他陷害我的,他故意布局的,也可以做名词,表示陷阱。 set up另外还有“安排”的意思,比如set up a meeting.
There's no one to blame but yourself: 要怪只能怪你自己

14. Eric: Sorry. There, I said it first. Ha ha.
Jenny: (chuckles) Thanks. But, uh, I really should be the one to apologize. I mean, you have every right to want to be alone with Jonathan.
Eric: Yeah, but it doesn't mean you get on my nerves... that much.

get on my nerves: 惹毛了,招人讨厌,piss off也有这样的意思,不过比较粗鲁一点





