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来源:可可英语 编辑:memeyyr   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

6. Detective: "Mr. Young, sometimes evil drives a mini van. I had this gig once, tracking down this PTA mom, was hell-bent on landing her daughter a spot on the parade float. Fed anti-freeze to half the homecoming committee."

这句话中的生词不少,而且俚语又多,还是来分析下。Van: 有篷货车 gig:原意是旋转物,乘轻便双轮马车,其实这里是a person of odd or grotesque(奇形怪状的人(或物、图案等)) appearance,明白了吧。Detective是想说他曾经碰到过的一件奇怪的案例。hell-bent:固执的,拼命的。Parade:游行
float:花车 Fed: [美俚]联邦调查局人员 PTA: Parent-Teacher Asociation ,家庭教师协会.

7. Tom: Listen, I have come up with this killer idea for the Spotless Scrub campaign."

Come up with: to produce especially in dealing with a problem or challenge 想出,提出针对一个问题或挑战的方法。 Killer:这里不是凶手的意思,而是极好,极其完美的意思。

8. Tom: "Well, that's the thing. You know how whenever I pitch in the boardroom at work, how Kennesey always tears my ideas down in front of the partners?"

pitch:原意是投, 掷 这里解释为提出某人建议。Boardroom:会议室 board还有董事会的意思
tear down:逐条驳斥

9. Lynette: "You think? How am I supposed to pull off a formal dinner with no warning?"

pull off:accomplish successfully against odds努力实现

10. Julie: "All right, but no later. You know how I worry. So, you, uh, got protection?"

这里的protection Julie是想问SUSAN是否有带Condom,JULIE连这都知道,也太早熟了吧。

11. Gabrielle: "Well, as it turns out, Pershing Modeling Academy has an opening for their summer program. Would you like me to sponsor you?"

sponsor:资助,赞助。GABY为了让Danielle离开JOHN,居然想到要把Danielle 送到模特学校去,还要做她的赞助人,呵呵,有钱的GABY什么事都做得出来。

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