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来源:可可英语 编辑:memeyyr   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


1. Mary Alice Voiceover:"Competition. It means different things to different people. In Suburbia, it means keeping up with the Jones's. On Wisteria Lane, that means keeping up with Bree Van de Kamp. Everyone knew Bree had the nicest lawn in the neighborhood. And no one begrudged her this. No one, that is, except Martha Huber, whose own lawn paled in comparison. No matter how carefully she trimmed... ...or how lovingly she watered... ...or how generously she fertilized... ...the grass was always greener on the other side of the fence."

Keep up with: 跟上,不落后 begrudge:妒忌,羡慕 trim:整理,修正 fertilized:施肥

2. Mary Alice Voiceover:"Then one day, Mrs. Huber finally got the chance to mow down the competition."

Mow down:原意为摧毁,这里可以理解为扭转竞争形势。

3. Mrs. Huber: "He collapsed on your hydrangeas! Call 911!"

collapsed on:倒塌,这里是摔倒在什么地方的意思。

4. Bree: "God, I couldn't wait to get rid of them! So, Lynette said that you found Zack."
Susan: "He's at a rehabilitation center. Julie snuck in and actually talked to him."

Couldn’t wait to do sth:等不急做某事 get rid of:摆脱 rehabilitation center:复原中心
Snuck in :偷偷溜了进去。

5. Susan: "I figure Dana has something to do with what Mary Alice was trying to hide."

something to do with:同……有关Hide:隐藏, 掩藏, 隐瞒

关键字: 人情 慢速 讲解 PDF 文本




