Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following announcement.
Attention all passengers. All northbound trains are cancelled immediately due to severe weather. Passengers holding tickets should go to any ticket counter for either a rescheduling of your journey or a full refund. Green Line Express regrets this inconvenience, but public safety is our main concern. For those waiting for passengers to arrive from points north, watch the sign boards for information. Some trains may be delayed or forced to end their journeys before reaching their destinations. A hot line has been set up for constantly updated information. Call 1-800-222-4455 and follow the automated instructions. By law, we cannot give out information on individuals who may be traveling. Please do not ask us for that information. Again, we regret any inconvenience to the traveling public.
各位乘客请注意。所有北上的列车因为天气状况不佳已全面停运。持有车票的旅客可至任何一个售票窗口更改乘车日期或是办理全额退费。“绿线快车”为此次的不便深感抱歉,但是公众安全是我们主要关心的。至于那些来接从北方各站过来的乘客的人们,请注意告示板上的 信息。部分列车可能会有误点情形,或是在尚未抵达目的地前就被迫停驶。我们已设立专线随时提供最新消息。请拨1-800-222-4455 ,并跟随自动语音系统的指示。依法,我们不得提供乘客的个人资讯。请不要来电询问这类信息。对各位旅客造成不便,我们再次表示歉意。
1. Where does this announcement most likely take place?
(A) At an airport
(B) In an metro station
(C) At a bus station
(D) At a train station
2. What are listeners with tickets advised to do?
(A) Take a northbound train
(B) Call a hot line number
(C) Go to a public safety counter
(D) Go to a ticket counter
3. Why can Green Line Express not give out information on individuals?
(A) The weather prevents it.
(B) It is inconvenient.
(C) It is illegal.
(D) They do not have it.