1.Run\have a temperature 发烧
例句:You have a temperature, but it's nothing serious. It's probably justthe flu.
2.run an/one's eye over 浏览;扫视
例句:Jessica's Mom: Honey, I have to run the tickets over to someone. Canyou keep an eye on things at front until I get back?
3.run/take one's course 自然地发展,(疾病、事态等)持续到自然结束
例句:Of course, if you have time, you shouldn't forget to visit theLiao-Shen Battle Memorial Hall to take a look at one of the world's first-ratepanoramic paintings.
4.run riot 撒野,胡作非为,横冲直撞;(感情等)约束不住;(疾病等)肆虐
例句:The exuberance of nature run riot is a welcome antidote to many ofthe views on the road from Shanghai, of nature subjugated to economicdevelopment.
5.run up against 与…相撞;偶然碰到;遇到(闲难等)
例句:I ran up against the problem of getting taken seriously long beforeI became a writer.
6.run wild 失去控制(约束)
例句:That is heaven's part, our part to murmur name upon name, As amother names her child When sleep at last has come On limbs that had run wild.