You have enough money to purchase either a house or a business. Which would you choose to buy? Give specific reasons to explain your choice.如果你有足够的钱,是买房还是做生意?
If I had enough money to purchase either a house or a business, I would choose a business. A house is attractive to me, for it may bring me shelter and comforts. However, I like a business better, because a business offers me much more.

A business is a challenge for me. I like to embrace new challenges which, I believe, are good opportunities to develop and exhibit my abilities. I admire Bill Gates, not only for his talent, but also for his courage. I am confident of my capability; still, I need real opportunity to test it. No matter if it is success or failure that I will have to face, it is a new experience for me. After all, real satisfaction is in the traveling, not arriving. I have learned a lot from books, but I don’t have enough experience. Therefore, learning by doing is my ideal,and running a business can help me fulfill it. I can hone my abilities during this process, and become more and more mature at the same time.

A house may satisfy my immediate needs, while a business may bring me long-term satisfaction. If I have a house, I will have a place to live, feeling warm and sheltered. There is almost no further benefits. By contrast, a business has more potential for losses or gains. If I am really as capable as I have expected, it will probably be gains. Even the potential itself is exciting enough for me. According to Maslow’s needs hierarchy, housing is a basic need, while running a business of my own and for myself, belongs to the needs of self-actualization, the highest one. Many people can satisfy their basic needs, but only a small number can reach the highest level.

If I have to choose between either a house or a business, I will choose the latter, because if I succeed in running it, I will be able to buy a house as well as many other things. However, if I choose a house, I will own only a house, nothing more.

一、 语言表达
1、“I like to embrace new challenges”中的”embrace”用的十分生动。通常人们都是会用accept challenges, 而作者在这里用这个词表示愿意“拥抱”挑战,可见其形象而又地道的用词。
“hone one’s ability”也是一种较高级的表达方法。也是同学们可以借鉴的表达。
2、本文并没有太多的从句,有两、有一处定语从句值得一提。“I like to embrace new challenges which, I believe, are good opportunities to develop and exhibit my abilities.” Which 引导的定语从句进一步修饰了challenges 对作者的意义。而I believe 这一插入语的巧妙运用,在增强语言表达效果上起着重要的作用。
3、文章虽然没有高深莫测的长难句,每一句话几乎都浅显易懂,但也不乏充满哲理的句子。例如:“After all, real satisfaction is in the traveling, not arriving.” 其实当下很多文章都喜欢把一些人生哲理与人的旅途结合起来,道理虽然简单,但却发人深省。作者也是巧妙的掌握了这一点,把对满足感的追求与人生旅程结合在一起。
二、 逻辑结构