Disclose: 揭露,透露,泄露
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld disclosed Thursday that he had offered President Bush his resignation twice during the height of the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal last year. He said he wanted the decision on his future to be placed in Bush's hands.
国防部长Donald H. Rumsfeld周四透露,因去年的阿布格莱布监狱虐囚丑闻他已经向布什总统两次提交了辞呈 。他表示希望将来能重新回归为布什总统效劳 。
Emaciated: 消瘦的,衰弱的
The five men, two women and two children were found in a forest on Great Nicobar on Wednesday, according to a police source. The survivors were hungry, weak and emaciated, the source said.
。相关人员说,被找到的生还者们饥饿,羸弱且消瘦 。Homemade: 家庭自制的,本国制的
Leftist rebels attacked a Colombian marine post in southwest Colombia with homemade rockets early Tuesday, killing at least 14 soldiers and wounding about 25, the commander of the Colombian navy said.
。Minefield: 布雷区
The newly discovered minefields, some of which border on Honduras and Costa Rica, were probably laid by U.S.-backed Contra rebels who fought to overthrow Nicaragua's leftist Sandinista government of the time, the Defense Ministry said.
。Mafioso: 黑手党成员
Italian police raided houses and hideouts around the Sicilian city of Catania on Monday and arrested 45 Mafiosi accused of cocaine trafficking, extortion and kidnapping.