[权力的游戏] 冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第67期:第五章 琼恩 (4)
Jon found it hard to look away from him. This is what a king should look like, he thought to himself as the man passed.琼恩发觉自己几乎无法将视线自他身上抽离。这才是王者应有的风范,詹姆走过面前时,他如此暗想。2013-10-23 编辑:Andersen
[权力的游戏] 冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第66期:第五章 琼恩 (3)
Jon found it hard to look away from him. This is what a king should look like, he thought to himself as the man passed.琼恩发觉自己几乎无法将视线自他身上抽离。这才是王者应有的风范,詹姆走过面前时,他如此暗想。2013-10-22 编辑:Andersen
[权力的游戏] 冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第65期:第五章 琼恩 (2)
他发现自己的酒量原来和成人差不多,在身旁这群兴高采烈的年轻人怂恿下,每当喝干一杯,他们就怂恿他再来一杯。2013-10-21 编辑:Andersen
[权力的游戏] 冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第64期:第五章 琼恩 (1)
There were times, not many, but a few, when Jon Snow was glad he was a bastard. As he filled his wine cup once more from a passing flagon, it struck him that this might be one of them.在某些场合——虽然不多,却依..2013-10-18 编辑:Andersen