[趣味英语起源论] 趣味英语起源论第238期:like it or lump it不喜欢也得接受
“你们喜欢吗,那敢情好;不喜欢吗,你们将就点吧”。这用英文来说就是:If you don't likeit,you must/can/may/lump it.2013-05-28 编辑:Ukki
[四级词汇群记法] 四级词汇群记法 第89期:"传播"正能量!
Over time, the technology is diffused and adopted by other countries. 久而久之,这项技术传播到了其他国家并得到利用。 an attempt to diffuse new ideas. 传播新思想的尝试2013-05-27 编辑:jenny
[追本溯源记单词] 追本溯源记单词第140期:electricity 电
古希腊人常用琥珀制作爱情护符,确信戴着这种护符的人可以引来爱人。他们发现,磨擦琥珀可以吸引羽毛、线头等小东西,磨擦时会放出火花。2013-05-22 编辑:mike
[六级词汇新记] 六级词汇新记 第141期:explicit直言不讳的、清晰的
The reasons for the decision should be made explicit. 应该直截了当的给出决定的理由。 a sexually explicit film 一部有露骨性爱的影片2013-05-21 编辑:jenny
[学个词Learn a Word] 学个词Learn a Word第1163期:diversity
今天我们要学的词是diversity。 Diversity, 多元。 "The school is committed to improve the diversity of its student body," 学校致力于提高学生的多元化。2013-05-29 编辑:shaun
[四级词汇群记法] 四级词汇群记法 第82期:什么"限制"你的发展?
The army evidently fears that, under him, its activities would be severely circumscribed. 军方显然担心在他的领导下,其活动将受到严重制约。 There are laws circumscribing the right of individual citizens to cause bodily h..2013-05-20 编辑:jenny
[每日一句口语] 每日一句口语 第412期:成功与行动相连
Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit.—— Conrad Hilton 成功似乎与行动相连。成功人士一直勇往直前。他们会犯错误,但他们不退缩2013-05-23 编辑:jenny
[每日一句口语] 每日一句口语 第409期:选择性放弃才能抓住机遇
Do not say that opportunities never come. It did come but you just weren't willing to give up what you had. 不要说机会从未出现;它曾经来过,只是你舍不得放下已拥有的。2013-05-20 编辑:jenny
[四级词汇群记法] 四级词汇群记法 第77期:"禁止"偷懒
Canada will ban smoking in all offices later this year. 加拿大将从今年晚些时候起在办公场所全面禁烟。 a banned substance. 违禁药物2013-05-15 编辑:jenny