[剑桥雅思4] 剑桥雅思4真题听力 第2期:Test1 (section1-2)
Woman:Right, well I'm afraid the schedule hasn't been printed out yet, but we have confirmed the dates and planned the optional extra visits which you can also book in advance if you want to.2014-02-27 编辑:sancyz
[剑桥雅思4] 剑桥雅思4真题听力 第1期:Test1 (section1-1)
Man:Good morning. Woman:Good morning. How can I help you? Man:I understand that the school organises ... umm, trips to different...2014-02-26 编辑:sancyz
[剑桥雅思8] 剑桥雅思8真题听力 第38期:Test4(4-3)
The Yam period coincided with the end of the last ice age.This brought about tremendous change in the environment,2013-10-08 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思8] 剑桥雅思8真题听力 第37期:Test4(4-2)
Aboriginal rock art also records the environmental changes that occurred over thousands of years.2013-10-07 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思8] 剑桥雅思8真题听力 第36期:Test4(4-1)
One of the most significant characteristics of the different styles is the way that humans are depicted in the paintings.2013-10-06 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思8] 剑桥雅思8真题听力 第35期:Test4(3-3)
Mm.Would it help to get hold of some past papers?2013-10-05 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思8] 剑桥雅思8真题听力 第34期:Test4(3-2)
I'm hoping it'll help me to build up my stamina,but it'll probably be a long haul.2013-10-04 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思8] 剑桥雅思8真题听力 第33期:Test4(3-1)
Oh,hello Dan.Pretty well,thanks.Have you managed to get the money for the course yet?2013-10-03 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思8] 剑桥雅思8真题听力 第32期:Test4(2-2)
Now,we've also put together a map which we've sent out to all the residents in the area.2013-10-02 编辑:hoy
[剑桥雅思8] 剑桥雅思8真题听力 第31期:Test4(2-1)
Well,the power company have agreed to bear the cost of this themselves after a lot of discussion with the council.2013-10-01 编辑:hoy