[学习素材] 《钓鱼岛是中国的固有领土》白皮书(2):日本窃取钓鱼岛
口译资料:《钓鱼岛是中国的固有领土》白皮书之二、日本窃取钓鱼岛II.Japan Grabbed Diaoyu Dao from China日本在明治维新以后加快对外侵略扩张。1879年,日本吞并琉球并改称冲绳县。此后不久,日本便密谋侵占钓鱼岛,并于甲午战争末期将钓鱼岛秘密“编入”版图。随后,日本又迫使中国签订不平等的《马关条约》,割让台湾全岛及包括2012-10-10 编辑:melody
[学习素材] 《钓鱼岛是中国的固有领土》白皮书:前言部分
口译资料:《钓鱼岛是中国的固有领土》白皮书之前言Foreword钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿是中国领土不可分割的一部分。无论从历史、地理还是从法理的角度来看,钓鱼岛都是中国的固有领土,中国对其拥有无可争辩的主权。Diaoyu Dao and its affiliated islands are an inseparable&nb2012-10-09 编辑:melody
[环境] VOA视频:人口增长造成亚洲海岸鱼类数量减少
SINDANGAN, PHILIPPINES — The race to feed Asia's growing population has led to dangerous overfishing near coastlines2012-10-09 编辑:Jasmine
[时事新闻] 日本首相顽固不化,钓鱼岛问题上始终站错队
Japan's premier 'obstinate and wrong' over Diaoyu日本首相在钓鱼岛问题上顽固坚持错误立场CHINA yesterday called Japanese Prime Minister Yoshi2012-10-01 编辑:spring
[小故事背诵达人] 小故事背诵达人 第91期:Shark Attack
Unit 19 Shark Attack第19单元 鲨鱼的攻击Diana pointed to Bob. "Over there!" It was a school of beautiful blue and&2012-09-29 编辑:melody
[关注社会] 钓鱼岛争端考验在华日本品牌
China's tough stance against Japan in an ongoing territorial dispute may have no bigger backer than Yao Xin,&nb2012-09-28 编辑:justxrh
[关注社会] 日本在华汽车停产减产,自食“购岛”恶果
Japanese automakers, including Toyota and Nissan, are cutting back production in China following anti-Japan protests that&nbs2012-09-27 编辑:spring
[2012年9月VOA慢速英语] VOA慢速附字幕:减少捕杀鲨鱼的努力已有成效
BARBARA KLEIN: This is SCIENCE IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English. I'm Barbara Klein.BOB DOUGHTY: And I'm&n2012-09-26 编辑:Sunny
[时事新闻] 钓鱼岛争端毁了中日邦交正常化40周年招待会
CHINA has postponed a ceremony marking the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties with Japan, due2012-09-24 编辑:spring