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  • [大千世界] 美国现食人鱼专咬男性命根 生性凶残

    A pacu fish, known for eating human testicles, has been captured in Lake Lou Yaeger in Illinois, the Department of Natural Resources has stated. The fish is a relative of the piranha, which is known

    2012-07-13 编辑:justxrh

  • [关注社会] 关注社会:柳州悬赏钓剿食人鱼

    Liuzhou's municipal authorities in Guangxi on Wednesday placed a heavy bounty on piranhas recovered from its waters, and would offer 1,000 yuan for every piranha caught, China News Service re

    2012-07-12 编辑:justxrh

  • [大千世界] 柳州惊现食人鱼袭击 真有"食人鱼"?

    A man was attacked by a group of ferocious piranha fish in Liuzhou, Guangxi, Nanguo Morning Post reported.《南国早报》报道,广西柳州一名男子遭到了一群凶猛的食人鱼攻击。The dangerous freshwater predat

    2012-07-09 编辑:justxrh

  • [时事新闻] 中国拟明令禁止公务宴请食用鱼翅

    Shark's fin soup, a traditional Chinese delicacy-but one reviled in much of the West-won't be on the menu at official Chinese banquets in the coming years, according to state media. 中

    2012-07-08 编辑:justxrh

  • [他她话题] 美国政府称世上不存在美人鱼

    The United States government has assured its citizens that, much like zombies, mermaids probably do not exist, saying in an official post: "No evidence of aquatic humanoids has ever been found.&

    2012-07-05 编辑:justxrh

  • [科技动态] 科技动态:引导鱼群脱离危险的机器鱼

    It's an aquatic version of follow the leader. Dr.Manrizio Porfiri of NYU's Polytechnic Institute has combined his love for mathematics and animals to invent a robot that he says would

    2012-07-03 编辑:Jasmine

  • [大千世界] 长寿金鱼存活24年 四岁小男孩如今已28

    When a four-year-old boy won a tiny goldfish at a fairground, no one expected it to live for very long, the Daily Mail reported. But Paul Palmer is now 28 years old, and the one-inch tiddler he broug

    2012-06-27 编辑:justxrh

  • [大千世界] 68岁韩国女子嘴里育出鱿鱼仔

    A 63-year-old woman became "pregnant" with 12 baby squid after eating calamari, the Daily Mail reported.据英国《每日邮报》报道,一位63岁的韩国女子吃鱿鱼后竟孕育出了12只鱿鱼仔。The victim, f

    2012-06-22 编辑:justxrh

  • [开心一笑] 我可以干得慢一些 I Could Do It Slower

    I Could Do It Slower我可以干得慢一些Patient: What do you charge for pulling a tooth?病人:拔一颗牙收费多少?Dentist: Fifty dollars.牙医:50美元。Patient: Fifty dollars for a couple of minutes'

    2012-06-06 编辑:Hepburn

  • [职场双语] 会被炒鱿鱼的工作恶习

    1. Playing online during the workday. If you're logged into Gmail chat all day, doing your holiday shopping online, or playingon Facebook when you should be working, it could cost you your jo

    2012-06-06 编辑:justxrh

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