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  • [雅思写作辅导] 70篇雅思大作文写作话题集锦

    We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What things will they be used for in future? Is this dependence o..

    2013-05-07 编辑:phoenix

  • [雅思写作模拟题范文] 2012年3月8日雅思大作文真题TASK2

    News media are important in modern society.Why are they so important? Are their influences generally positive or negative?新闻媒体在当代社会中很重要。它们为什么这么重要?它们的影响通常是积极的还是负面的?

    2013-05-07 编辑:phoenix

  • [雅思写作模拟题范文] 2012年3月10日雅思大作文真题TASK2

    It is expected that there will be a higher proportion of older people than young people in many countries in the future.据预测,将来很多国家的老龄化人口的比重将会超过年轻人。你认为这是一种积极还是消极的变化?

    2013-05-06 编辑:phoenix

  • [雅思写作模拟题范文] 2012年3月8日雅思大作文真题TASK2

    People aim to achieve the balance between their work and lives, but few people achieve it. What are the causes of the problem? How to overcome the problem?

    2013-05-06 编辑:phoenix

  • [雅思写作模拟题范文] 2012年2月25日雅思写作真题TASK2

    Full-time university students need to spend a lot of time studying, but it is essential to involve other activities.全日制大学生需要花很多时间学习,但是也应该参加其它活动。你在多大程度上同意或不同意?

    2013-05-03 编辑:phoenix

  • [雅思写作模拟题范文] 2012年2月18日雅思写作真题TASK2

    Some people think that the development of technology has made our life more complex, and the solution is to live a simpler life without that technology.一些人认为科技的发展使得我们的生活更加复杂,因此解决方法在于过一种没有科技的简单生活。你在多..

    2013-05-03 编辑:phoenix

  • [雅思写作模拟题范文] 2012年1月12日雅思写作真题TASK2

    这回试题难不倒烤鸭。冲突的焦点落在[有必要设立图书馆]或[没有必要],而不是单一的立场library PK Internet。在家使用因特网的好处太多,可是利用图书馆可以补足其功能complementary。

    2013-05-02 编辑:phoenix

  • [雅思写作辅导] 雅思大作文开头部分的模板

    An introduction is crucial, not just for what it says about the topic, but for what it tells the reader about writer’s style and approach. Unless you can introduce the subject clearly the reader may..

    2013-05-02 编辑:phoenix

  • [雅思写作辅导] 雅思大作文经典开头3则

    When asked about the ongoing uproar involving/concerning the increasing divorce rate, most people say the affair involves a purely private matter. But/while many other people regard this as a side e..

    2013-05-02 编辑:phoenix

  • [雅思写作模拟题范文] 2012年1月7日雅思大作文真题TASK2


    2013-05-02 编辑:phoenix

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